[@WilsonTurner]Ah, yeah, I hear yah, that stuff seems to happen a lot with roleplays. I had a few roleplays I was GMing that had to restart almost immediately because someone that had taken a pivotal role disappeared without saying a word. And, uh, sorry if I came off as rude. I just really like worldbuilding! Oh, and, erm, I had a hunch about what you might want to talk to me about, and wanted to see if I was right by maybe jogging your memory? And instead of just coming out and saying it straight I tried to be clever and sidle around it so it wouldn't seem like it was [i]my[/i] idea even though it totally was? I admit it! I was being a dumb jerk! But I meant well! Kind of? *Mumble mumble* thought you were gonna ask if I wanted to set it up so John and Sahlre'dval were from the same universe. *mumble mumble* Thought that would be kind of cool. *mumble mumble* Also, I actually do care if imaginary people prefer pineapple over squash, because I think that says a lot about their culture and tastes and helps us determine climate, as well as their preference for sweets and also their consciousness of nutritional content and sustainability, and possibly on their advancements in agriculture and.... yeah, you get the idea.