At Aliaah's reply Infernum said [color=Red]"Alright then to the computers it is I wanna get on the command prompt and see where the administrator's cpu is and from there I can check grades and even change them if need I'll show you it's easy once you learn.I can show you how to make a virus from your notepad and completely shut down other computers with an administrator command and if you know what your doing you can even gain the IP address of other devices leaving them completely at your mercy lmao."[/color]He then walked to the computer room and saw that someone was already on the computers so he sat down next to the cyclops and opened up the command prompt.He lit up a cig as he was searching all the files on the computer and geting into the administrator's commands. He then thought he should start a conversation with the cyclops for she seamed lonely.[color=Red]"Hey waz up I'm Infernum Surrexit It means Hell Risen in Latin but you can just call me Risen what you up too?" [@JDizzle383]