[@YamiCuoreLaroux] [color=CC6600]"Oh,"[/color] Kai says, turning around to face the boy. [color=CC6600]"Hello there."[/color] She side eyes Don for a moment, as the child continues talking, made somewhat uncomfortable by the strange language of it all. [color=CC6600]"Tickets?"[/color] she mumbles out-loud. [color=CC6600]"I don't think I have a special one...just the one I bought to get in."[/color] She roots around in her pocket, until she finds it, then holds it up for the small boy to see. [color=CC6600]"Is this what you mean?"[/color] She grins slightly, showing no teeth and trying to relax herself. After all, this was just a curious child. She felt ridiculous being off-put by such innocent, yet oddly worded, questions.