The game is simple, try to figure out what the hell is going on. In High School I sometimes got bored and just tried to "world build"- of which kept leading to me writing excessively long and stupid histories that sucked what fun the setting had out before I even tried to make a story with like, characters or something. First, here's a space opera timeline that goes up to the year 2800: [hider=Good luck] Post Modern Era [2000-2200] The two hundred year era in which globalization leads to rapid technological advancements that have profoundly impacted all future societies one way or another. This era started around the end of the cold war; opening the world to a global order based around Capitalist economic doctrine and the concept of peaceful competition. Peaceful competition that as the world developed into a homogenous culture led to some amazingly deadly outbreaks of violence, for technological capabilities amassed during these times outgrew the limitations of living on one world. What one must remember of this time is that many people in this time didn’t see much use for space other than a infinite bay of resource and reminder of how insignificant humans are in the grand order of things. Despite this cynical outlook colonies on multiple worlds starting sprouting up all over the solar system by the 22nd century, notably Mars and Triton whom would by the end of the post modern era become the dominant forces of the solar system. The post modern era ended with the gradual decline in Earth’s biosphere caused by centuries of mining; not the fault of humans in these times as misanthropist groups such as the Humans for Mandated Self-Genocide [HMSG] try to paint. Rather it was simply that the technology we had outgrew our world, and that this led to effects very dangerous for surviving having billions of mouths to feed. Technological advancements at first made these problems not so big, but as rare earth metals became more and more vacant it became quite clear a move to space was basically mandatory. We did leave earth, and explored the solar system in depth. Of course, to societies of today this is like just exploring one’s back yard- but please remember, the technologies had today were not the technologies had in the post modern era. They didn’t know how to skim along with the distortions of space time caused by the labyrinth and resisted the advantages of mechanization that has made life in space far more bearable. One must also remember humans back than didn’t want to mechanize themselves because they believed that if they did, they ceased being human. This is no longer true as much as first perceived- for the mind is more important than the body. However there was enough groups and time that given a century genetic modification and implants were not uncommon throughout the whole world. Around 2025, the PRC changed into the NCR out of international pressure and civil unrest. NCR, or New Chinese Republic proved to make one of the more authoritative democracies having four large political parties that dominated large amounts of China; further developments led China to being the most powerful nation by 2065, but this was mostly economically and China would find itself regularly competing with the EU, USA, the rising African nations and India. Ultimately a multi-polar world developed where India, China and US played the big roles with a slew of other nations being in the second tier of the global hierachy such as NIgeria and the EU. The conflicts for the most part were regional conflicts that had intervention by the major powers of the time, shifting from places like Africa to West Asia and Central Asia. Some conflicts also happened in the American landmass, but none would compare to the “Armageddon” war in West Asia notable for being the first war involving a nuclear exchange and this event happened at 2048. The War of Armageddon effectively led to another fifty years of chaos in the west asian region until stabilization brought by political Islam losing much of its credibility thanks to theological justifications for the starting the war; notably strange sects of religion in the middle east started becoming much more popular and in general by 2200 faith in the middle age religions general started going into decline in favor of new faiths or changing their nature as a result of the need to more easily convert other cultures while still retaining some level of dogmatism needed to make one’s way of life cooler sounding. By 2100, a major colony was starting to be established on mars known as Qahares which would be the first among many throughout the 21st century. Colonies throughout the solar system by the end of the 22nd century were established. However only a few colonies were major colonies; Mars, Titan and Jupiter colonies dominated with asteroid belt colonies being on the tier directly below the top three colonies. On Earth mechanization became more and more widespread, and mind uploading was invented by a genius from Oceania known as Aba Kuna whom made the first major mind uploading machine- testing it on himself in his confidence to show its safety around 2135. The 22nd century was a very dangerous time for Earth, as nee-fascist/corporatist belief dominated much the world as the world became more consolidated and controlled by a oligopoly of super corps that arose after the great crash in 2042 from the widespread use of 3D printing technologies. Also there was alien contact as early as 2105, but only by a signal from the race we now know to have died out in a global scale nuclear was over the mountain of emerald. But that is a wholly different subject- xenohistory is where you’ll need to look. There was a revolution in vertical farming and biodomes that appeared around the 2030’s and a revolution in space travel starting in the 2070’s and continued for fifty years enabling for solar system wide space travel by humans. There was a space war in the asteroid belt due to a underground organization bent on trying to get independence from S.A.W [Space Agency of the World; consists of a confederation of all the world’s space programs in a constant direct cooperative for colony craft and research into interstellar space travel] as a means of monopolizing a large portion of the asteroid belt as to be able to out compete other asteroid companies. By the late 22nd century the world’s stability that lasted for the last 150 years was starting to crumble to decaying resources. Brilliant inventors attempted to avert the problem using a weather control machine; which seemed to work for 40 years. But there was a problem; what if someone turned it off? And that was exactly what happened, as misanthropic terrorist groups originating in Eastern Europe [Western Europe was too socialist, self loathing and up its own ass to give a shit] devised a direct attack on the device to bring out the much desired “happy genocide” that would remove the human pest from the universe, as they believed. Ensuing came the mass death, the first one at least. A second one happened in 2410, but that is not revlevant right now. The first mass death led to the death of billions of people who went from full bellies to starving over night. No one could get a good access to food because there simply wasn’t too much thanks to there being too much people and too little farmable land, and vertical farms being made useless in many parts of the world having evolved to adapt to weather patterns the weather machine gave. The resulting global famine lead to multiple violent, sudden wars in the ensuing decades that collapsed the global order is very vague in its nature, but it is suspected to have begun somewhere in Africa where very populous nations, desprate for places to set up vertical farms and lacking the ability to trade with increasingly inward looking civilizations on other parts of the world whom themsleves were suffering rapid deterioration staged a invasion of Southern America; this caused a very nasty war that would spiral into the hell that became the silent century. Notably the quickly developing colonies in the solar system, [at least the ones could sustain their much, much smaller populations] were relatively unaffected in terms of economy and supply by the catastrophe leading to the colonies to assume independence and develop on their own terms. There are four major colonies that dominated the solar system, Mars, Triton, and Europa. These colonies would come to make interplanetary dominions that kept the less self-sufficient colonies alive. The model for interstellar empire was born during these times; the concept of a semi-centralized control led by a mother world that supplied its vassals from time to time while getting resource based tribute from the colonies less developed became quite dominant in the silent century. The silent century [2200-2300] From 2200-2300 the colonies competed for influence in the asteroid belt, especially the Jupiter Colonial League and the United Qaharen Colonies whom craved for resources in the asteroid belt. However those “native” to the asteroid belt started rising as well, having secretly started manufacturing technologies taken from the other colonies. A large civilization spanning thousands of larger asteroids started forming that went to ritualistic war with the mining AIs whom dominated around Ceres and went to ritualistic war with the humans. Mars went through a golden age of space travel and started amassing a impressive space fleet to invade the moon and earth with, around the year 2250 the UQC invaded earth, which by the year 2250 was dominated by multiple large factions of violent dictatorships that seemingly engaged in decades of war for the last remaining readily useful parts of earth; meanwhile sprawling underground metropolises and walled in super cities pretended like the hells of the earth were ignorable. These places would, for their amassed and concentrated wealth end up as frequent targets of the raging fluid war corps that dominated the lands and seas. The UQC’s invasion of Earth would prove to be of limited success, and any space ports established to try to get man power from earth would end up in the hands of the barbarians who would launch a invasion of the moon in 2265 the UQC found itself fending off. Meanwhile, in the depths of space on Triton a strange sentinel was discovered- of alien origin around 2270. The discovery was so huge that even the terran barbarian states knew of it; and it is argued that this is why the great strife happened after the damage to the ritualistic status quo caused by the UQC and the failed invasion attempt of the moon. A sense of unity formed from the martian invasion, especially as the underground powers climbed to the surface and walked over the earth with their surprisingly advanced armies creating a global confederation that would at first suffer decades of insurrection before finally stabilizing long enough to begin using the resources of earth left to start taking the moon, mercury and establish gas mines on venus. The silent century arguably ended around 2320 with the discovery of FTL by the Triton civilization that proceeded forging a multi-planetary union from the weaker colonies of the outer solar system and attempted to bring the inner planets under its yolk unsuccessfully due to spies getting FTL tech; the solar system rapidly found itself in another tense conflict. In 2330 the UMC/UQC ended up preparing for strong defenses out of fear of a Terran invasion that they knew was coming after their annexation of the Lunar colony and the increasingly one sided trade caused by earth's unique bioresources [animals and plants]. Terran Dominion ideology forged from the nuclear fires of a ravaged, mass extinction infested earth came to the belief in the world-state as the only logical kind of state. The Martian world is seen as a rival world state, and the disunity in other colonies [like the moon] are seen as "satellite-states" and therefore illegitment [and okay to annex], yet a satellite-state would change the game entirely... Triton finally hacks the sentinel's code, stumbling upon a way to go about interstellar travel without the forty years the Terran government suspected it would be; making the hunkering down for a long journey trip redundant and pointless. Tritonian explorers would plunge into the cosmic beyond by 2330 and the first Terran colonies started propping up by 2335. By 2360, the rush for more colonies caused by access to the network hit a fevered pitched as a explosion of colonial expansion spread humans across space coming into amazingly rapid contact with the forever nature, the Brutus and even Qvkr with other lesser societies in the way. The contact with the forever nature happened only twenty light years away from sol as humans went into wars of extermination against the "bugs" and the Brutus proved very dangerous; a thirty year war against developing human and establish Brutus colonial factions led to a humiliating defeat for the humans as they slowly lost the conflict- but in 2376 this defeat would be avenged by uprisings in the conquered colonies that would be successful and lead to new societies; in 2389 a second war between humans a Brutus ended in a phyric victory on the part of the Universal Co-Defense Pact [humans] and the start of the end of the *Wrecking Ball* empire [Brutus] due to costly defeats opening for separatists to gain power. Qvkr generally were the most insidious and scary; and are suspected to secretly puppet some human societies. Despite their overwhelming advantages however, they never did take out humans and only had tech as their advantage- the qvkri are very, very spread out balancing their overwhelming technological advantage by the lack of numbers or appearing desire to increase said numbers. 2400; Second mass death/the age of growth and violence [2400-2500] In the conflicts with the brutus and the ongoing conflicts with the seemingly ever forever nature the earth just exploded. It is unknown whom did it- the brutus would have been honest, the forever nature didn’t really like blowing up worlds and the qvkr were the only foreseeable possibility to anyone as to whodunnit. However, the qvkr locally denied any such action. But they did cryptically point out that the brutus and themsleves also had their home world evaporate out of nowhere. It is speculated by the qvkri to be the cost of joining the network. Despite that, the death of billions of people in seconds would impact the human psyche for centuries to come. The disaster struck a cord of fear and hatred, especially as the Brutus Metalord Gpu conquered multiple colony worlds of humans, despite the empire *she* is loyal to falling to pieces from ever rampant instability and corruption. As a result very violent nomads begun a campaign of counter devestation on the Brutus around 2423, giving technology to the subjects if their empire and engineering rebellion on many Brutus controlled worlds already incited from the corrupt regime. Around 2450 the Wrecking ball empire fell from internal strife, and external undermining of the system. Multiple worlds finally let free, but the fall of the empire didn't end the woes of humans, whom now find themselves having no home world. The next hundred years would be pretty glim overall, being a endless cesspool of strange unions and factions forming from the muck and remains of the region. The factions include wonderful denizens like the very religiously devoted to their code of life Tellerans who intend to make a mega empire, the sociopathic Astroturfs who enslave humans they consider lesser, the Republic of Konga that really just wanna spread their religion, rg shell shocked worlds of Bri whom prepare for the endwar and than you got the Druggeries and VRTopias and Plasma Worlds whom are just everywhere and get annexed by interstellar societies daily. However nomads also spread around intent on doing war with the aliens in vengeance for the crime of blowing earth up and being super fucking ugly. Not to mention fuck the Brutus. [will indeed spend time improving on this] 2470 is when the aforementioned war between a squad of nihilist nomads and a fleet of Rogue Telleran spacecraft that ended in a human surrender after two qvkri ships for destroyed and forty five human ships ended up destroyed; however the nihilists didn't give any fucks and just left the humans to cry over all the dead people. Very late in the 25th century the Tellerans came to be the dominant human faction and started being douchbags towards the hippies and corporatists in the Brutus. Than the warrior Brutus start engaging in a brutal war and get out the rape machines to teach Tellerans a lesson. But the Tellerans fucked up big time because while they managed to outwit the Brutus with the rape machines they started fucking with the stoics who really got pissed and smashed multiple worlds. Meanwhile the first faction where both Brutus and humans live in relative peace appeared from the ashes of a region hotly contested by humans and Brutus. That faction was seen mostly as a experiment that should be left to fall apart on its own; letting it grow in power behind the backs of those who see such society as logically impossible. Human origin machines also were a rising force, but would dwell for the most part in silence; secretly cooperating with some nomadic groups whose sense of human unity expands to the "children" as well. Wars became common between assimilating and genociding/caste making nomadic folk whom generally do not like aliens much. 2500-2600; The century of commerce Mercantile policies from the other empires in the wreck of the bloody growth led tot he slow rise of societies than played around with the idea of retrying the whole democracy thing everyone orgot about after the mass death. Societies that demand order face increasing problems as more disasters and unknown forces cause ruin agmonst those who try to etch a stable front to exist in. Commerce and trade is not based in raw materials- rather it is based in many different exotic technologies, cultural artifacts, ideas and biological resources. Biological resources proving rather trade worthy as the rarest kind of mateiral in the universe tend to come from worlds where life occurs- life itself being lucrative. Plants from alien worlds, a pet Irmaci, the countless sorts of strange metals and biotech and stimulation drugs that have known to vary in effect from species to species. There is also the talents of very different species with very different paths of technology and sets of talents giving more reason to engage in commerce. Who wouldn’t want a Brutus radiation tamer to help make your strange reactor for your in-system warp craft? Or hell, maybe even a Qvkr mathematician to teach Tier 50 space squid Physics that explain radiation theory to the young kiddies of terran descent? Mr. Tentacles is always a joy! That is what trade and resources has come to; biology. talent, technology and culture. The B2TC Trade it is called. In these times however, there was lots of conflict of interest for various empires from the now “classic” societies of the Telleran, Astroturf and Neo-Wrecking Ball civilizations wanting to continue trying to unite the universe under their ways; being as universalist as possible about things and wanted domination and control of the sentinels that are known to enable the distortions of space-time required to make faster than light travel a thing. The conflict between the very new factions and the older factions remained quite tense, as Telleran ideals became quite prominent in multiple human factions and the Astroturf constantly found itself in a multitude of hopeless crusades and eneding up alienating themsleves from much of the rest of space. In spite of that, the Nightmare worlds left in their wake countinue to scare the shit out of denizens of the cosmic region for centuries to come. Around 2541, contact with a new alien race was established by human explorers of the Pathfinder’s Guild, though the machines whom for so long have been hidden away claim to have interacted with the alien race since 2531 and communication has led to the machines humans made trying to interact in the mainstay politics. That led to a nasty war around 2550 that ended with a very, very narrow defeat for the machines after a coalition between the loyal machines, humans and even some secret forever nature support formed to attack the machines over the crime of refusing to do the obligated duties. Note the alien race contacted- this alien race is a race of machines who successfully took over their home world a thousand years ago [around mid 20th century equivalent society with much more advancement in robotics, but barely understood evolution] from their controllers creating a benevolent dictatorship for them and spreading across space in a quest to know everything in the universe and manipulate the streams of distorted space-time that define the galaxy. They started to tacitly support the machines, and this upset quite a few human factions who noticed the sin. Another war seemed to be on the horizon by 2567. Ironically humans themselves by 2580 were very much intent on modification and iterative improvement, to the point where some philosophers wondered if humans and machines were really so different. Synthesis started becoming a phenomenon in many worlds, and some factions took aggressive action while others embraced it causing harm to trade relations all over the place- to say the least of the bizarre minded Po Rob whom keep exploring the region and having fun with the locales in spite of the shit some telleran societies whom preach that machines that think are malfunctioning and therefore need to be dismantled [no smart AIs basically]. In spite of all this, the machine dilemma coupled with the revelation Qvkri secretly controlled more human factions from behind the seats of the rulers- though very loosely than first thought did not help in the increasing paranoia wave that started forming in human societies. Meanwhile the Brutus started to look more inward and had a policy where “all non-brutus without a ID sanctioned by the Ball breaking Empire will be shot on sight” making trade more difficult. In the end, it is a miracle that despite all these horrible tensions the next century carried on with the merchantile order with the worst outbreak being the very humiliating contact incident between a coalition of plasma and night mare worlds that attacked “Conquistadors” of the Po Rob, whom insisted they were Expeditionaries at worst and had no intention of orchestrating a worker’s revolution. However a war happened anyways that the Po Rob won with a crushing victory in the two months war in 2591. However due to these worlds being not any “good” world, this large war showing the muscle of the myserious and infinitely hard to understand Po Rob whom spent the next five years trying to set up a multitude of rave centres in the “occupied worlds” and spread what they saw as “fun” seemingly forgetting that the people needed food more than they needed parties and orgies didn’t help much. [in short a would be exploration mission was made into a conquest by attacking the explorers.] 2600-2700; The century where Humans start scaring the Qvkr. On the fringes of space, a new species was discovered whom existed in a rather different context in a totally different region of space with different laws of physics. However, they were amazingly humanoid to the point where humans wondered if they were related. The alien race, calling themselves the “Fine Folk” are known to have had a century of contact with the Po Rob, though of a different Po Rob faction heavily influenced by the Fine Folk. The Fine Folk seem to be very much biotech, more so than humans are, but not as much as the forever nature whom never get any good mention in this TL like, ever since their history really is a embarrassment caused by their hardwired belief in darwinism and almost all mutual agreements always ending in disaster. Around the year 2614, a telleran world managed to pry off the metaphorical tentacles of the Qvkr behind the back of the council. This worried other Qvkr, whom saw this as a sign humans were getting quite advanced due to their competition with the Po Rob and Brutus. Even better, the Fine Folk now are coming to play in their biomechs and they try aligning to both the interests of forever nature and humans- something long thought impossible. There was also the presence of the virgo, whom were regarded as a myth for a while but started communicating openly to a human faction around 2630 expressing happiness of human advancement; but pointing out that hubris is a dangerous thing and there is a “goal” to the “cosmic game”. The virgo declined saying what the goal is; but it did raise suspicion among the masses if the Virgo were responsible for earth’s destruction. Another wonder is why the Qvkr actually fell. Questions like these would remain unanswered. Qvkr pointed out they had a similar message as well, but have been very successful at hiding why their third order fell. A Qvkr assault on a random human world ended with a crushing Qvkr victory, done by Qvkr extremists who wanted to show humans still were ehind humans by a long stretch despite a few major human factions successfully riding of the secret rulers, though other human factions saw them as benefactors. From that point on, Virgo would come by once a decade to check on human progress. But things started to get a little messy. Than really messy. For one, the Fine folk didn't effect things beyond the occasional mercenary diplomat sent to try opening connection between the forever nature and humans in hope of a new prosperity being made. Limited fine folk contact stayed limited due to "problems" from a unknown species and the dirty folk silently fucking up the system the fine folk make use of. Another thing is a really strange secret project that only the fine folk are suspected of having a equivalent to it; project unity. In essence it is a universal DNA designed to make it possible to splice and reproduce any species anywhere through a universal current. Worked on in collaboration with Forever Nature and OddHumans the project surfaced around the year 2652, and this project for decades to come would lead to all sorts of freakish results. Another war in a star system occupied by competing techno worlds Qvkr whom came in and tried to subvert the whole system as a result had a humiliating defeat at [*+++*] against human forces where they lost 5 craft to 12 human craft; which is humiliating for a Qvkr conflict. Machines in this century continued their synthesis trend, but generally had much different trade partners [if any trade at all] than other societies due to their want to increase knowledge, processing and speed while getting access to blueprints to build technologies they lack. Some machines started attempts to build Dyson spheres, others tried emulating the minds of other species at their own costs. On the far frontiers discoveries of the Qvkr the Qvkr kept secret came to light around 2670; the Qvkr have a multitude of worlds and the Qvkr humans have encountered this whole time are really just a small, small minority of nomads who run the systems. Almost all Qvkr live in a vast VRTopia network that goes on for dozens of light years and the outlying Qvkr are really exiles. For that reason their numbers are limited as very few Qvkr ever want to leave their "personal multiverse"; with insanely machines defending all the complexes. That revelation made human factions in general less cautious of the Qvkr due to now believing they can't put up that strong a fight. But there was still the Po Rob whom nowadays seem to have replaced the Brutus as the big nemesis of man ever since the Brutus societies went inward looking and starting falling under control of the stoic Brutus. Po Rob societies have become a major force, and while humbled into at least respect of human policies for the past several decades have been becoming ever more scary present. The 2670's were not a pleasant time, as the stagnant Telleran empire fell to pieces and the asteoturfs, a force long reduced in capability for a century start conning jack in horrific vengeance making use of new technology and the rumors of unknown benefactors- often suspected to be of Qvkr and Po Rob. But around the 2680's, the whole network collapsed out of nowhere. Brutus found themselves being attacked by Po Rob in a crusade and humans themselves were attacked by internal hackers and synthetic abominations created as a result of the Astroturf's three great raids that really fucked everything up; the relative prosperity of the trading orders completely fucking everything over. While the Astroturfs ended up falling into many factions after their great raids by 2697, the chaos they wrought caused the endless nightmare; which has only ended in 2787. Now that last century, most relevant to the now shall be told of. 2700-2800; The Century of Chaos The last two-three hundred years were for all their worth not so horrible, sure the balance of power wobbled there was at least prosperity and knowing you live for the most part without fear of being systematically exterminated even as a forever nature. But those times have ended. Now chaos begins. In 2701 a computer virus from a human origin, with the conditions enabled by the three great raids of the astroturfs rapidly spreads through the space-net and even to sentient machines; wiping and irreversibly distorting information spread digitally. In the blink of an eye, information on the past got lost indefinitely. Even worse, synthetic humans suffered from mass amnesia and hallucinations, as well as madness. Similar effects were reported by machines that suffered forced restarts and a loss of identity or even purpose. All attempts to undermine and block the virus were absolutely futile; this virus was far beyond anything ever dealt with in the long history of computer viruses. Little did the humans know, this virus was rapid spreading and head towards the Po Rob, who despite running on a very different coding logic suffered greatly from the plague- for the virus was rapid, rapid mutating in nature and was in some ways a hyper-AI; it learnt the Po Rob’s language in coding and adapted itself to the different infrastructure to continue propagating, spreading to Po Rob space by 2715. The chaos from the virus led to conditions that enabled thee rise of the abomination empire, made up of hybrids of multiple species and civilizations on the universal DNA and lacking in machine based tech, the bits left being thrown out completely they started spreading and assimilating everything in their path, but thankfully later events would cause their rapid expansionism and mass assimilation to fall to pieces around 2750 in the later stages of the Po Rob crusade. Speaking of which, in 2721, the Po Rob crusade against the Brutus turned its energy towards humans instead, as the virus being of human coding makes the Po Rob believe humans made the code, and therefore are the cuprits- and the Po Rob believe humans made the virus to kill off the Po Rob. Internally the Po Rob had to deal with a effective zombie out break and the mesh disintegrated enabling the fleshies to flee and make “barbarian empires” in Po Rob space. Though the Po Rob are not one united faction, being to a close equivelant to that of humanity’s medieval Europe; having a central authority but multiple societies that deal with problems. The Mechanized Crusade against man commenced and the devastation wrought was amazing, being perhaps the first large-scale alien invasion since Brutus times. As a result, a large four-way war developed between the “Machines” – “Brutes” – “Men” and “abominations” that led to a united coalition of man forming around 2735 that focuses the energy of many injured factions of fighting the Po Rob and a single minded focus on trying to solve the virus problem. They also were responsible for countering the bioweapon attacks the Po Rob attempted; but not soon enough for it to distort the bioinfo centers of information. Even worse, literacy rates plummeted as people just abused combat knowledge chips to live short, five year life spans in the very long, bloody defensive wars against the machine crusaders. The inane beliefs spurred from the virus and its damage to the Po Rob [sans the fleshies] causes the Po Rob to start “cleansing” human worlds, and they end up in a long conflict against various factions in the human dominated sectors of space, especially the abominations whom they start developing a powerful bioweapon of their own in order to try to annihilate them that actually works, killing off tons of abominations in a dues ex machine of a war. However, the bioweapon proved ineffective after that when societies managed to develop cures for it just a few years later and distribute them before the Po Rob attempt using more super bio weapons to eradicate entire civilizations. Notably the second the virus was heard of, the Qvkr disappeared apparently “quarantining” the human race and ceasing contact until a cure is developed. At the worst possible time, a new alien life form comes into contact with humans known as the outsiders. The outsiders opportunistically start selling weapons to like, every side they can for the sake of making the chaos even worse for their entertainment; the outsiders being much more observers than conquerors. Though this will backfire one day… The outsiders are described often as sociopathic in nature, and the violence is apparently what attracted them to the region. A fine folk ambassador going through very war torn ruins warned humans of them, before killing herself as a result of “infection” and not wanting the plague to spread. Outsiders interestingly enough seem to be immune to the cyber plague. However in the glim caused by the cyber plague, in 2770 a cure finally was developed; and the cure was used to barter an end to the crusades. To which the Po Rob, now having one of the two solutions: -Genocide of all possible originators -A cure Satisfied, the Po Rob pack up and leave. Relations with the Po Rob have been quite awful ever since; but the Po Rob despite not suffering as much still find themselves focusing on issues outside of human space. Virgo oddly enough still did their visits, somewhat dismayed by the chaos, but did nothing to intervene beyond suggesting a few humans to go with them in the case of human extinction- something that thankfully did not happen. The next twenty years of the chaotic century involved human society being left in relative ruin, with the grad coalition disbanding and humanity now being dominated by five large interstellar blocs and countless independent systems with a large amount of the worlds being made into ash. Knowledge of the world before the greatest war is very low, and many denizens of the human race find themselves in a new identity crises as the first generation after the apocalypse are born in 2790. Historical information is now unreliable, and the objective history and humans now find themselves in a mad dash to rapidly rebuild and remake the order and societies that once were so great just a century or two ago. But to do that, they will have to understand what they are and go far, fay beyond everything they know. They will have to go to the farthest reaches of space, and try to piece back together the broken puzzle. For in the ashes, a ember of hope still persists. [/hider] Here's a much more dense 250 year future history made in June: [hider] The Stream of History The Ukraine crises proved that the idea of culture and nationalism still existed, but in time they took a new form. The new form at first took pan-religious identity such as the terrorism of the Islamic world. Than later the "cultural essence" and cultural competition came in the form of culturist thought. Culturism developed with the developing world, and came responsible for the second indo-Malaysian war, the political pendulum and the split in moral values throughout much of the world. Russia became connected with Iran and other countries in the Middle East solely due to traditional values- the split in religious views not mattering much in what was seen as not turning into a entity like the decadent west. The PRC joined in on what started to look like the rise of a new Cold War. But trade continued anyhow- and the PRC and Russia again split from the bloc. The PRC later would suffer economic disaster as their influence in Africa caused much chaos. The CCP split into three parties, and transitioned china into a true authoritarian democracy by the 2040's. Meanwhile In the Middle East, Iran went to conflict with Iran over Iraq, Israel recognized Palestine as a separate state, but Saudi Arabia suffered a massive economic crash that caused incredibly instability in the Middle East after three decades of relative stability. The USA meanwhile went for a new world strategy, making a large economic bloc that spread across much the new world and even encompassed Vietnam and much of the pacific. Around 2018, the moon got a moon placed by NASA, a tiny asteroid that orbited the moon to mine. The use of space resources to get resources caused other major countries to begin their own similar initiatives- notably the PRC, India and the EU. By 2037, near earth objects came to be regularly obtained for study and their resources. The moon started to be colonized by the late 2020's, mainly for helium-3- however, in the ensuing decades the moon would also become a hotspot of commercial venues- by 2060 creating the first generation of people living permanently on the moon. These people would by than start making space ports on the far side of the moon with the intent of making a launch pad to collect asteroids and give a launching pad for future missions to the other worlds of the solar system. The moon's status was very strange, being a gestalt of corporate properties with permanent civilian populations. They'd be unified under the Lunar Union around 2130, as a result of catastrophes to come... Mission to mars is carried out around 2030, initiating the first colony to be made. The mission was successful in the landing, but there was no mission back. Rather those on mars stayed behind for months to explore the planet and start setting up infrastructure for the research facility. This would prove the result of two decades of advancements in spacecraft more capable of heavy lifting. Advances in biotech led to the first clones human in 2030- of which resulted in insane controversy due to said human being infertile and deformed. However, vat grown meat became a prominent part of the market in small parts of the world, although the farming of cattle in most of the world continued as vat grown meat had the issues of requiring high tech not everyone had, along with the fact there are already tons of cows. vat grown meat would find much more audience on mars and the moon, where oxygen was much more expansive. In these times, there were rogue scientists who engineered a plague to specifically kill of GMO crops. That plague would have serious consequences for the future, as while the GMO plague got suppressed it still lurked around and would adapt, causing multiple resurgent mass kill offs. In the Middle East, around the late 2040's the chaos started to end as the LAS proposed a more united entity in the face of Saudi Arabia's fall from grace as their oil supplies became worthless due to a shift from oil to shale, as well as the later shift to helium-3 at the turn of the 22nd century. Saudi Arabia's monarchy fell causing chaos in the region once again. Yet in the chaos, came order as the LAS ordered itself into a global age caliphate of sorts to better combat the pressing issues of the global world and stay relevant in spite of the central Asian economic gems being forged in historically deadly regions. Trees stayed very prominent wherever humans went. However, with trees came mold and other bacterias that created unique sorts of low gravity ecosystems as earth trees grew in strange, sprawling ways. The state of global warming however, was not so good. Russia intentionally started to heat the world up in order to make Siberia arable, although Russia's intentional contributions paled in comparison to the industrialization going on throughout the world, smog covering much of Africa and Central Asia for much of the 21st century. The heating of the globe also had external factors- the global age warm period came about as a mix of both natural and artificial changes in the climate. This led to Russia getting what it wanted, even at the cost of its own biosphere and a multitude of species lost to time, as well as reoccurring firestorms and erratic weather. Russia became a net producer of food and was able to access mineral deposits much easier than they used to. Russia used its surplus of food production to get allies in other parts of the world. However, Canada also rose in power in this time as a result as well, as did Scandinavia and other northern countries. The northern population boom led to Russia economically overtaking China with half of China's aging population around 2091, making the 22nd century the Russian century in the eyes of some. That wasn't exactly true. By that time, the world became a multipolar order with a global apparatus, which used to be called the UN, but by 2080 underwent heavy reforms to fit the multipolar system. The UN became the World Council, and a large share of the world military worked in peacekeepers by the start of the 22nd century with the sole purpose of ensuring peace. The World Council also as there was other major issues abound. By the mid 21st century Africa found its Sahel region wrecked and South Africa rendered economically a failing state, despite the promise once held. Much of Africa fell into a state of permanent Neo-tribal warfare, with the borders if states not mattering to the large multinational organizations that controlled militias and people. Some states became totalitarian governments, others very authoritarian with only places like Nigeria remaining democracies, barely. Another gem would be the Kingdom of Kenya, a state which ended up controlling multiple neighboring countries and rivaled Ethiopia thanks to Mubusu the Good- who ruthlessly ruled his country under a PRC inspired government system. These places were among the few places where civil society stayed afloat, central Africa and the Sahel remaining unstable hells for centuries to come. In spite of this, it usually would be where a major power kept the regime in check that things stayed stable. Multiple genocides would happen in Africa, demanding repeated interventions by the powers that be. India had significant influence on Africa as well. Even with global warming, India, China and Indonesia still became developed and three became major competing space powers, out competing Europe and matching the US and Russia in the colonization of space. However, the EU managed to advance in sophisticated technologies in terms of vertical farming, which enabled the largest population boom the 21st century ever saw. The agricultural boom, enchanted by biotech and fueled by increasing need to feed the world also predicated multiple plagues that would appear in the less medically capable parts of the world. A couple of those plagues went global, one of which in the late 21st century decimated the global population. However, the vast majority of death and suffering in the world came in the developing world with corrupt regimes dominating in parts of SE Asia, and South America's dying rain forests coming as the result of drying water beds and Chinese companies not doing selective cutting- of which caused serious scandals in Brazil, who at the time took serious concern in their environment due to the importance of the resources they have. Brazil having by than transitioned to being a developed country. Further advanced in cybernetics, AIs and genetic modification showed much promise, and also caused serious economic damage in the 2030's, resulting in the depressions that occurred in the 2040s. The world however adjusted to the new conditions by the 2050's, with relatively low bloodshed. However, the corporations of the world exerted more power than ever before. Another issue was the issue of genetic modification, as advancements enabled the parents to control the design of their children and rid of hereditary diseases. The economic crash caused by automation delayed automation, as the cost of wages from the large populations in countries like china meant that robots for many jobs effectively became redundant. Like other things however, automation provided benefit to low population colonies in the polar caps, underground cities, oceanic states and underwater cities that sprouted up all around the world by the 22nd century. However, nothing could really stop the famines and inclement weather that inexplicably started to appear around the world by the 22nd century. The population in Africa also exploded, throughout the 21st century and by the 2100's much of Africa came dominated by regional cyborg chieftains or multi-national corporations that went with little regulation in Africa beyond needing to follow basic human decency and ensure mutual benefits. What that translated to in Russian was "will work for food", and Russian GMO companies using their large food base managed to gain a foothold in central Africa, competing with the PRC bitterly in regional conflicts. Things got a little better, if only because GMO food proved more resistant to the changing climate. Yet it would take time to fix the soil erosion, a task Russia had not much interest in doing. Canada however did. The USA in most of these days spent its time developing "planetary assets" and carrying out nation building in the new world as a whole. With Canada's new arable land, the USA essentially wanted to make the Americas into "One great big country". To do this, the USA spent much effort in peacekeeping the regional cartels. The USA came a major base for much of the corporate world that dominated a good share of the world and competed with national interests. There was also the virtual world, which became a powerhouse in itself alongside the pan-national organizations, the corporate and political worlds, the criminal world and the developed world of which all operated parallel to each other. For instance, Russian mafias tended to operate in Central Asia and trade with the triad. They also traded drugs in Africa. At the same time Russian corporations flowed around the world, with the intention of "feeding the masses"- mainly out of the Russian political world's want to look better than the other countries. The virtual world for the most part was and is a cesspool, the cultural change that happens in the virtual world is so rapid the trends are very narrow. But in the virtual world information about every event spread rapidly- people for the first time in history easily kept track of global events as they unfolded. The media system pumping out billions of articles in a century with ease. Even when the world started getting more stable, there was still anarchy on the net. The way computers used changed radically, and the stagnation of computer technologies only happened in the 23rd century. There were multiple large terrorist attacks that came as a result of hackers and radicalism regardless of culturist or progressivist thought. Mainly the Tehran incident, the Xinjiang rebellion and the B45 plague, which was not natural in origin. Another attack happened in the fall of Saudi Arabia, the godless finally got to salt Mecca with a dirty bomb. A new Mecca would be built in Egypt, which would become the center once again of the Arabic world. While culturists managed to dominated the world for 60 years after the 2040's depression, by the 2110's the progressivists- by than dominated by post humanism and the desire to end the horrors that have consumed Africa in the past 150 years came about in a very strong push to power. Of which, sounded good in theory. But there is always radicals. By the 2070's machines have become rather advanced, the first purportedly self aware AIs going online around 2079 based on the minds of humans who died. Neural tech innovations however would be delayed for decades until the military application of jet fighters in the orbital war proved their worth. AIs generally were feared, although some developed countries did become automatic-states like Japan, France, Norway and Argentina. The AIs ruled indirectly, acting as silent judges and ensuring the law kept followed by elites and commoners. While not ran politically or economically, many cities adapted AI mainframes to keep civil services running in spite of the job losses- 45% unemployment being common in many countries. However, due to the surplus of goods automation provided many lived well off lives as long as all the mechanisms worked right. Bipedal robots also appeared regularly, although lacked any human rights, being often used for test experiments, target practice, sex, and many other unspeakable things. The world by the late 21st century ended up as less careful that previous orders, and innovation reduced a good share. The developments on colony worlds still used 2060's tech, however the new way of living in the developed world came under serious hostility as more competitive countries banned many things labeled "digital opium", culturists fearing that the world was going too soft. There was through the latter decades of the mid 21st century a trend towards authoritarian rule and Neo-nationalist by the culturists. They kept making rockets as people started to starve, they kept that highly stratified system of wealth as famine begun to strike thanks to plagues in the GMOs. But the heavy handed actions by culturists and their doomed crusade to retain traditional culture in a ever so connected world caused backlash, with progressivists becoming dominant in many countries that promoted post-scarcity living and intended to "jump start the future" under the intention that progress has been stifled by conservatives and Luddites who obtained too much power in the past 30 years. These movements would arise in the 2080's, and prove very hostile towards the global order set up over the past hundred and fifty years in general. In the mid-2090's, the lack of food and water for 30% of the world went unnoticed. However, the endemic cyber warfare in the virtual world caused a global black out for three months in 2097. The black out, coupled with increasingly out if touch policies from those in power and the collapse of AI ran cities and nations over night caused a sudden jump in chaos. The militant branch of progressivists started to become a popular alternative to the culturists who were seen as out of touch with the global situation- the world was heating up and half the world was starving, food and water prices jacked up, the automated parts of society falling apart yet no new hobos opening leaving many homeless around the world, the whole economy reduced to ashes on a scale not seen since the Great Depression. scientists tried to find cured, but the super big was too strong. It spread too fast throughout the GMO crops due to their lack of genetic diversity. Quarantine of many vertical farm facilities was carried out, but the plague spread silently and unpredictably. Not to mention, not every place had vertical farm facilities. The plague spread through water, it spread through air and even through humans. In this time, instead of looking right, the desperate looked left. They found heros in major militant Transhumanist figures who believed in using forceful means to limit the human population. The less affected countries kept culturist, however aggressive protest and dissent came to start being in even Russia- the mother of culturism. Then came the secondary famines, which led to the unpleasant events of dying and dying and more dying since now half the world population by 2107 went without food. Then came the food wars, which led to internal turmoil even in developed countries as pressure started to be exerted on Russia to give food to the poor countries despite Russia's food supplies going to due to a sudden cold snap that got so bad a share of the farming facilities froze over. Russia, finding itself having difficulty to feed its own country let alone half of Africa and a part of South America counts used to refuse. Canada and sweeden tried to reduce the famines, as did much of the world from Indonesia to chile. Issue being, there simply was not enough food anymore due to the cold snap and the resurgent GMO plagues mutated from ecoterrorist bugs from the 2030's that started to prosper in the 2090's again. However, these viral bugs attacked BOTH GMO crops and natural crops. The mass poisoning arguably did much more to cause the global famine than the cold snap itself. Better yet, the clashes between progressivists got worse and worse in the 2110's as India, of all countries came be the first major power dominated by radical transhumanism. This is the result of India being unable to sustain its population causing famine, which didn't happen in china [mostly due to china getting food from Canada and Russia easily- they got the cash]. However, the common person didn't think of that and blamed the looser government and the Indian government not being progressive enough. The turmoil carried over to the elections, as the Indian people suffering believed that ascension through technology would end the suffering. Which it didn't. Rather, the regime that formed in India was ironically basing itself in Neo-tradational thought in many ways. They quickly made a very government controlled economy where food became a rationed resources distributed equally, limiting indian citizens to one meal a day and spent much money on making ICBMs of a sort different from a typical nuke. Of which alarmed China, and much the world but mostly china as a few of those ICBMs were aimed at their country. Not the first time the free flow of info caused tensions, but by the late 2110's with the famine killing millions a year and the standards of living eroding in most the world, even places like Russia and the US taking heat the actions in India since the turn of the century with the domination of the transhumanist regimes in various other countries following the ideology of Ascension. Then came the orbital war, breaking out between India and Indonesia over a bioplague that was covertly released in Indonesian territory, that India tried to make look like a natural plague. However, the government in power underestimated the flow of info and while for a year the Indonesian plague looked like it was natural, the truth came out and the Indonesian people who despite plague managed to either leave to the moon or the developing mars colony [not many] or go into overdrive in ocean cultivation while fighting ongoing insurrection on one of the islands stayed culturist. The scandal let to incredibly rapid deterioration of relations as Transhumanist India, which also was found out to have engaged I sterilization programs on their own people through contaminating the water and putting efforts to engineer super soldiers. Of which would be cut off when vengeance filled Indonesian soldiers begun to prepare their own bio weapon attack- which India noticed. As a result, in order to prevent the Indonesian missiles in the making from accurately hitting they started destroying Indonesian satellites, which caused the first major space war in human history as Indonesian MASATs clashed with Indian ones, however the Indonesians got help from China and the US, which caused India to start losing ground fast despite the power. India begun to start doing mass attacks on the virtual world and caused a digital dark age. These clashes got worse as the first super soldiers got used in battle, who did not perform as super human as imagined they fought harder, but ultimately were not numerous enough and exosuits made a great equalizer. Further clashes resulted in more defeats despite the initial victories in space by India, who at this point started to fight a defensive war in order to destabilize things, suing for peace despite trying to sterilize hundreds of millions using bioweapons. However, the transhumanists realized they were losing, and decided to launch a multitude of bioweapons onto much of the world, especially Africa, China, America, Indonesia and other highly populous parts of the world in a supposed bid for euthanization as the Indian country quarantined itself. The bioweapon's purpose was to mass sterilize, but in practice it also caused shorter life spans and mentally damaged those who were sterilized making them unable to do anything useful. This would be what India would launch unto the world while the whole world turned on India. That action led there to be no more India. Mainly since immediately after that attack, which would cause suffering for decades to come every major power launched tons of Kinetic kill missiles towards India, with no remorse or care for the people within the hell created by the transhumanists. The orbital war on the whole was only six months, most of those months involving space warfare devestating the orbital infrastructure of earth and making it unsafe to leave. Not like it mattered, as the GC would ban travel from earth out of fear of contaminating the now self-sufficient colonies, who by 2123 were able to make their own native governments. The lunar colony was more developed, but the Martian colony was developing rapidly and by 2150 would make regular missions to the asteroid belt. After the war, the World Council took a much more prominent role as the glassed India had a massive refugee crises, of which included a large share of sterilized humans that scientists tried curing and the Transhumanist party remnants who continued to fight on foot, actively using their bioweapons and conventional warfare wherever possible to "euthanize" the overpopulated earth. They redrew the world borders, and while the famines went on and society was in turmoil from the orbital war and the cold snaps, a second one happening in 2134 and a third in 2151 the underground cities in mountainous areas and the mobile super ships made into cities stayed away from much of the world, outside of what was left of the virtual world. In 2142, large warlordoms consolidated Africa into a couple dozen somewhat stable states. While not wealthy, they hit a form of meta stability even with the perpetual drone warfare carried out by these large warlordoms who liked ruling over the ashes. Meanwhile, Indonesia despite being attacked with sterilization WMDs and all the suffering dealt managed to keep regional power as they didn't suffer from famine as much as other countries did- if only due to their location causing blossoming. However, Russia wasn't as lucky as their country started to freeze over once more. Their great advantage going away decade by decade. But that would be the least of Russia's worries; the WC as a organization came to the conclusion a new order had to be established. What form that would take not much knew, even as China suffered demographic crises from the sterilization bomb. All in all, billions died in the corse of a few years as the orbital war quickly came superseded by revolt and more brushfire wars. The damage became irreparable, and society effective had collapsed into a multitude of states holding over what is left by 2180. These later conflicts didn't effect the peculiar states much, who kept isolated from the rest of the world and worked amongst each other, taking a new identity on the whole. Militaries kept fighting perpetual drone wars in much of the world, and while the sterilization plague would end up being silently cured by 2177 the damage done led to 5 billion people being wiped out in a whimper as opposed to Armageddon. Only 400 million people died for violent reasons. Most countries fell into mockeries of themselves, as successor states based in their provinces factionalized. These factions were unable to make rockets, or satellites. Yet the wealthier ones, namely European, a few Arabic and Chinese, kept ahold of various communication centers and observatories. A multitude of underground cities became occupied, safe from the EMP waves and the gun lords that roamed the urban wastes. Drones still were a commonly used object, and surviving 3D printers were revered by the post collapse city-states, of which once were part of massive supranational unions. Machines and AIs hid away, but were unable to survive long without many power sources, and they only got hostility from humans who saw machines as the source of their problems. Genetic modifications, once kept in check by powerful corporations ran rampant causing strange plants and creatures to show up, a good share of which unable to survive effectively. Large parts of the world were no-go zones due to neutron bombardments. However there was still a WC, and these city states operated very confederately. While wars happened regularly as city states pushed to make new nations, resulting in various success there was a silence of sorts that dawned over the world. Life reverted to a way not seen for over two hundred years, as people lived locally and travel became uncommon. Plane travel was reserved for the higher echelons of society, even though the hidden societies that kept secret watch in these dark times regularly used them, and the public was aware of this. Literacy went down, and dangers like disease and sanitation came back. But order would come. Later, Neo-feudal governments arose in some areas, decentralized coalitions that basically tried to keep resources distributed using what machines were left. Farming degraded heavily, but the Industrial Age still happened and agriculture still was easier than in the Middle Ages. Lament over the old times became common, as the old generation who remembered back in the times of the 2080's how better things were. But these old folk wouldn't last, as the medical technology failed and few people were able to make use of it. The knowledge however, still was there. Missions done by coalition based organizations to centers of information left behind by the ancestors took a Demi-religious tone to it, and contact with the colonies was kept. Colonies that they supposed lived a lot like their ancestors once did. The new generation, which came about in the late 22nd century were not as literate. Speaking of those colonies, they developed a very rigid form of government as a result if no more resources from earth. They became dictatorships, ones that regulated the populations heavily and were rather technocratic in their governance- and they had to be as a major failure as far as they knew would lead to a total collapse of mankind. They knew the horrors of earth, even from time to time receiving the odd spaceship from there that generally had to go through numerous scans and checks to make sure the sterilization plague did knot effect them, and even then usually segregated refugees from earth to different parts of mars. The moon wasn't so lucky, and a sterilization outbreak occurred and chaos on the moon led to a major collapse on the moon itself. There were a few who did survive, and they were kept alive by the AIs that normally ran the place and the surpluses of food. In 2145, much of the world was ruled by the WC who put much effort in quarantine, had major evacuation missions carried out as the world started to freeze, and while governments all around the world started breaking apart due to the cataclysmic drop in global trade. Than there was the Global War, which came about as the US tried to make the Americas into a massive fortress and took command of much of the new world. China and Russia attempted similar in Eurasia, but the conflicts for the Middle East led to them fighting a brutal proxy war for protectorates that caused wave after wave of revolution as transhumanists rose in the middle east and while never as bad as the Indian ones, the organizations reduced to glorified warlordoms- LAS and ECOWAS cooperatively worked in a loose alliance to take over much of Africa. Of which caused them to provoke war with China. Meanwhile, the EU fell to pieces and found Russia at their door steps while the US tried to keep away from "global affairs". The US did however do what it can for Europe and Japan, but there was too much strain as is. Yet to many in Eurasia, these actions quickly began to mean let everyone kill each other. However, the US would find itself dragged into the Polar War regardless, as Russia went to occupy Alaska as it froze thinking that the USA's poor condition would allow such thing. Instead, it caused the USA to get further dragged into the Global War, especially as a military coup took over the US government and demanded martial law. The USA found itself fighting revolution internally, and eventually half the world externally as it tried to prematurely make order through the peacekeeper forces, of which factionalized around the world and opportunistically made cells in many parts of the world. The peacekeepers became mercenaries for any side. The war only lasted 2 years, as there wasn't much intrinsic purpose for the war beyond the opportunistic land grabs done by desperate powers that once thrived on the global warm period. Although many of the governments worked under the pretense of restoring order, there was a under trend of extreme anti-intellectualism and seeing the wars fought as the result of societal degradation. Humans losing their spirit from the global world, in effect. Apocalypse cults appeared everywhere welcoming the new order, the virtual world and what is left of it flooded in the war and people who desperately tried to hide away as the virtual world slowly vanished away for much of the planet. WMD exchanges happened on a tactical basis, with EMPs knocking out much the world infrastructure outside of underground cities and the odd facility or place. Paper back books survived, but the ebooks did not. Everything digital built up in those centuries went away forever, as far as many were concerned. More and more did people leave cities in droves, more and more did the governments erode away and more and more did the world by 2160 as they knew it, end. But there was still the gems and pearls. For a while there were underground cities being built around the world, as there were underwater cities that all kept much safer from the EMPs. Large shares of these cities became city states, and at first isolated themselves with the virtual world being used to collectively work on a cure to the sterilization plague. The city states kept in contact due to being among only places of the world with digital technology infrastructure. They tended to keep watch over the rest of the world, which was characterized by the multitude of decentralized coalitions and states claiming to have ties to pre-collapse governments. The gems and pearls cooperated despite their many differences, as they interacted formed a union dedicated to silently rule the world using their increasingly better technologies- the tech gap while not wide, still was enough that the gems and pearls left were able to keep and record the history of the era they were in. In these times China fell into multiple provincial states that would have periodic stints of conflict to gain control of a province. However, the instability made it hard to completely take control. In other places nomadic communities using the cars left carved out short lived empires, the most notable appearing in the USA as the super highways still were functional at parts. While AI driving went off, the know how to drive was retained by drivers who taught their children how to manually drive despite the impracticality. As a result some groups of people made motor empires stretching across parts of the world where the roads still remained intact. Other kinds of empire were usually military juntas intending to spread to control the fertile land left, of which was not terribly common. However, the more resistant GMO crops stuck around and GMO plants generally became a major staple crop in many parts of the world, including Australia. Some tribal societies once kept in a part of their own lands started to spread and roam nomadically once again, however distorted or unrecognizable their cultures became. Roaming packs of boat people also raided the vulnerable coastal towns and the rise of water allowed them to set up bays in areas very odd. the WC dissolved for the most part as a organization, however some coalitions still believed in the "global world"- believing that it could be done right next time. However, these coalitions tragically were not that able to do that much beyond a regional basis. They didn't have the funding to build up, let alone the resources. The more developed parts of the world managed to eek out post-global trade blocs, but much of these remained regional due to barriers caused by the screwed up climate of the earth. The only places capable of global power projection came to be the gems and pearls; of which connected through a network of planes and their net. However; those gems and pearls had the issue of their citizens regularly retreating to the virtual world, a habit carried over from the last decades of the globalized world and its space faring capable society. The only space port on earth left that was useable was in Indonesia, and became monopolized by the pearl states in the region who tried to remake Indonesia to some success. There was fierce resistance, however. There also was the destruction from the orbital war still looming, even if the subsequent global wars Indonesia managed to stay out of- the succession rebellions fractured the region. The mass driver in the region would be used by pearls, but they didn't use it beyond attempted man missions to the moon and attempts at rebuilding global infrastructure. Problem being there was still space junk clouding the earth's orbital space from the wars that consumed half a century. The chain reaction that resulted from the failure of their moon mission resulted in some space junk having their trajectories cause a third wave of junk showers. The first two waves happening earlier in the 22nd century. This meteor shower happened around 2183, at the same time the UMG [Unified Martian Government] made contact with the lost moon colony. It was noticed, and folk among the UMG begun to want to clear up the space junk in order to open back up access to earth. To do this, they started to colonize the lunar colony and updated the infrastructure ask free fighting out the defensive drones that roamed the place. Why the moon would have drones for defense confused many from mars, but evidently they weren't defending from invaders as they were defending from things within. Mainly since it turned out the lunar colony fell into civil war after the sterilization plague hit. The upper echelons of United Mars at that time was paranoid of outsiders due to not wanting the migrations. Ultimately some of those migrates the settled on other parts of mars in little enclaves independent of the UMG to avoid contamination. However, the UMG heard that the cure was invented in the gem and pearl metropolis states. That cure would end the sterilization plague break outs, and start cementing the power of the metropoli-states. Some of those states started to open up to the public, no longer fearing infection. However, some of those states did fall. Some got hit by the plague due to a accident or leak in the system, others got invaded by Motordoms or coalitions that wanted their technology. By 2206, the first Martian in a hundred years would touch foot on Terran soil. As mars developed in the mid 22nd century, those born on mars grew different from their parents. They didn't have the nightmares and distorted memories of their parents. They grew with weaker bones and required less air overall. They had less stamina, but functioned fine and this generational divide may have been the result of subtle genetic modification. The society of mars stayed very controlling by a oligarchy that worked to keep the colony from collapsing like the lunar colony, which fell in civil war did. The prime effort was building the colony using machines and keeping populations low while making more living space for the colonists in a world that humans do not belong on. Artificial air made from modified gases and oxygen taken from the ice caps of mars filtered through underground networks that would make even the most vast underground cities on earth green with envy. The development continued, from 2125 onwards under the formed government which at the time was seen as a rogue corporation. However, as the global wars broke out the terrans just let them be even if some attempts were made to send refugees to mars. Which was not something in the interest if Martians who dreaded the spread of the sterilization plague. At first Terran immigrants were kept in segregated areas where rigorous tests got carried out to make sure they did not have the sterilization plague. However, as more colony ships from earth arrived this task got harder and harder. Too many people too little time to scan and integrate. However, the moon colony tried to cooperate with the Martian colony on checking for sterilized folk through the ____ pact. That pact lasted for a couple decades, until the sterilization plague broke out on the moon causing paranoia among the Martians as the authorities mass checked colonists and declared mars a no-go zone in 2145. However, that didn't stop a colony ship from trying. In 2147 a colony ship attempted to go to mars in hope that the Martian colony would accept them regardless. However, what happened instead was said colony ship being obliterated by the Martian military after multiple warnings to deter course. The action caused immense controversy on mars, and fueled civil distress at the destruction of a colony ship containing well over at thousand people. The UMG however, was relentless in its suppressive actions and counter-OPs; it did not hesitate to start claiming the craft had sterilization plague infested people in it and that the craft was in effect a biobomb sent by groups intending to end mankind. The suppressive actions caused a rebellion, and the first armed conflict on mars. The revolt ended quick, as the authorities managed to use gun diplomatically to convince the insurrectionists of the greater good and that this will end in 30 years. A promise that however, would not be kept. Instead the UMG trended towards a very controlled colony using AIs and policies geared towards stability and order at the cost of freedom. There was however still enterprises, but these kept under strict government control to keep a even playing field and stop monopolies from occurring. Internet communication and the virtual world was strictly watched. People worked hard alongside the machines, as while machines were common on mars the human population was only a couple hundred thousand by 2214 after multiple waves of historical immigration and natural growth. However, it really was the machines that kept things working. Humans were tasked in being the brains of the machines, commanding them and planning out the various projects the UMG wanted to do. This work paid off, as in 2168 the first mining missions from mars to the asteroid belt began. While other missions were carried out historically, they were never done by the local mars government with mars being the stepping stone to the asteroid field. Now with no earth, the local government hesitated for a few decades before started the creation of colonies in the asteroid belt- a first as while there was manned missions, all earlier missions were done by drones. Here, the UMG wanted to start making colonies outside of mars. Those colonies had only tens of thousands in terms of population by the 2240's. Colonial missions spread to the Jovian worlds as well, Ganymede and Europa being colonized. There also were missions to the moon and mercury, of which they explored the ruins of mercury's short lived colony as well as the moon's sprawling ghost towns. Mars would make contact with earth in 2206, where they met up with the pearls and gems. Though this was postponed only due to wanting to get the cure made in the late 2170's distributed throughout the colonies of the UMG, of which at the time only were those developing in the asteroid belt and the outpost on the moon. Developments on mars saw to the rise of Martian industries that despite the leash the authorities had, managed to work near autonomously outside of mars, following their own laws with direct funding to mars itself being their price. These industries gained considerable power in the lawlessness of the barren, lifeless worlds and space rocks that floated around. They provided incredible amounts of helium-3 resources, metals, gold and the returns for mining in the asteroid belt caused the Martian colony to quickly blossom in its material wealth, by the year 2200 mars had a fleet of spaceships, and begun its domination of the solar system and begun forays into the old world of earth. The first manned landing occurring in the year 2206, although machines were the first to exchange material between Martian and Terran civilization. That exchange led to the gems and pearls fearing their newly found power- as they knew of mars being space faring, but didn't know that mars built a space fleet as sophisticated or as powerful as the ones they did. How some colony could have that kind of power over a planet baffled the hell out of those in the city states. But there would be other issues that came at the start of the 23rd century. The major metropoli-stated didn't want the status quo that had developed to change, yet the conditions and pace of time have turned against any possible long lasting order being able to form, as even in 2209 the start of a large Terran empire begun to form on South America, under the Djher Empire that consolidated a stable society that started to project power from Europe to Australia and North Anerica as soon as 2221. They started to be able to manufacture their own net and naval, colonizing much of the carribean sea and what once was New Zealand. Their population quickly rose, and they knew of the metropoli-states, as they started to annex the ones in The Andes and pacific islands in 2225. Their empire was very simple in how it ran itself, being a imperial regime much similar to those of the 19th century. Evidently South America suffered the least from the catastrophes in the 22nd century. However, the metropoli-states saw the expansion of this regime as a threat to their order and suspected Mars of supporting the ride of this regime, a theory with much truth due to the communications with mars the Djher had. The Djher Empire notably made use of technology from 20th century to technologies as advanced as those developed in the metropoli-states including some Exojets which for so long were only used by the metropoli states. The metropoli states used the annexation of ---- as their cases belli to begun a all-out invasion of the Dhjer in a attempt to reduce them back to a broken mess of corrupt coalitions and feudal states. The Metropoli war would end with the Djher empire falling into civil war due to the all out attack being a war of subversion as opposed to annihilation, but the Dhjer's ways kept around. However, the metropoli did not want anymore Dhjers showing up. In the 2230's, they begun to start taking a more active role in controlling the world politics. Meanwhile, martians kept a foot hold on the moon and the colony on Ganymede developed considerably, to the point of becoming a autonomous world-state that dominated the Jovian moon system, colonizing all four of the Galelilean moon and mining the rings of Jupiter. However, they only started to want independence in the 2240's due to internal cohesion and identity, as well as wanting the outer worlds for themselves believing that the vast distances would block mars from access to saturn's rings and diverse moons. This is despite there being developing colonies as far out as Triton... But they would wait until the 2250's, when mars got caught up in a a major space war with Earth in the Lunar War. Meanwhile, the Duramadian cult on Ganymede developed a new outlook outlook of the world, a fusion of philosphy and faith. Duramadism held to the idea of self-eradication and maintained the idea that souls can be materially controlled. It also based itself in the idea that god is a indifferent being, and that it's cruelties come from darwinistic action to meld humans to better fit the true universe. They see earth as a Eden, but a false Eden and that the living on lifeless worlds is the evolution of mankind, man being like a resilient bacteria. Duramadian ideas flourished around Ganymede and much the Jovian moon system. While that faith flourished, the metropoli states on earth took aggressive action in trying to retake the moon, as they manufactured spaceships in secret while Martians worked with the coalitions to develop their power. Mars having its own plans for earth, in trying to remake the global order. The clash would prove huge, as the metropoli states stopped their subtle feuding and begun a ambitious mission to invade the moon and push the Martians off. The subsequent war, the Lunar war would involve heavy fighting on the moon. The Martians however would keep a foothold, although much smaller than before on the moon's far side as metropoli moon colonies appeared on the near side, building over and integrating the historical, 200 or more year old cities. The moon as a result came to be split between the Federal Metropoli as they started to call themselves in reforms carried out in 2254 to make a sustaining global order based in direct manipulation of the terranfolk to keep them from making a advanced global civilization ever again and the UMG, which continued its dominance of the solar system even if the federal Metropoli begun to start start making drones that went out to Venus and Mercury despite established Martian presence in both those areas as of this point. The Galileans around the time of the Lunar war declared independence, and localized the military and government functions after a short civil war that ended up with the main moon being transferred from Ganymede to Europa. The Galileans still were open to Martian trade, and the Martians did surprisingly little to crush the secession. [/hider] And here's notes I took sometime in april 2014 for some space bugs. [hider=I-k-Jin] The Mullji; Extra Terrestrials that are humankind's first contact with another interstellar civilization, and so far it seems that aside from the Virgo they're the only "equal" out there. Very much cemented into a clan system, and lacking in the use of a monetary system- instead seeing all materials owned by a clan are open for the taking by any member with varied levels of regulation. Clans generally go by labor = share; cooperative labor and work opens up the communal use of multiple clans to make use of goods supplied for the greater purpose. Trade does exist, but instead of trade for cash trade generally is done through labor/power than material trade. Materials are traded for work for the other clan- the more work done the more valuable a item or group of items is traded. Food wise despite being a interstellar society hunting is still commonly done; with the animals and trees let loose around their hives making a biosphere where food is taken care of by simply what is by them. Food crafting [what humans call cooking] is usually a "trade" item. The clans are not equal; some clans have more power and wealth than other clans, and generally can "trade slave" less fortunate clans. Clannism is often in rivalry with Hivism- which asserts the idea of all Mulji being of one super clan free of the competition and bloodshed of typical clanism. Clanism comes in Unitary, Federal and confederate flavors. There is also Communalism, which is about clans acting in unison and generally is grouped with Hivism as a branch of it, despite Communalists generally disliking the hierarchal nature of Hivism. Mulji Dialects; -scāoi; Mix the Japs, the Bantu and the Maori -Flijish; Gibberish and English History of the Mullji: -The Ancient: Very early on in the evolution of the Mullji, they were from the state a race of burrowing creatures that worked kinda like prairie dogs. They dug tunnels, hid from predators and played with fire. Many different cultures formed in much of one of the three major land masses of their world; with much less migration than humans, the other two continents were generally untouched by the Millji. The climates on the world were in a period of erratic ness, with constant storms and earthquakes going on 35,000 years after the eruption of the Southern super volcano. Due to constantly changing conditions and limbs suitable for manipulation, the Mullji had mutated a strange thing called abstraction of ideas around 100,000 years ago, and would develop historical canon around 50,000 years ago. The Mullji at first weren't clan based- the clannist ideal came only later- they were based in large cults of hives led by queens; Hivism was what it was most like. Some cultures however did have proto-clannist organizations. Others followed autocratic hierarchal societies, and so on. Unlike in human history, it was not settling and argriculturalizing- rather the transition of the thirteen ages was a slow progress. Written history however, exists in archives going back around 50,000 years. The Thirteen Ages; The Age of Mold [48,000 BC - 41,000 BC] -Many isolated clans formed in these times. They had little hives and spread slowly, and had long drawn out fights for parts of what was believed to be a world on a flat disk With endless waters, it seemed pointless to venture beyond. Taboo fear of water was common. -The early legends, of the great conquerors and of the great killers, and so on come from this time. -Culture in this time was very different, every PEICE of land had a spirit associated with it, and the Mullji clans saw the lands with stronger spirits [or steam/mist] as the lands with better resources. -Landscape changes were from thousands of years of changing ownership of the lands. The sand and rock that made up much the realms made land modification come in the form of spires and ravines. -Animals were farmed in specialized parts of the hives, underground agriculture with regulated cultures and temperatures become the norm. Some cultures were fine with animals wandering around the hives, due to reverence of them, while others saw the animals as but a commodity and kept their movement locked up. As early as 45,000 BC, animals were farmed and the farming system stated very similar for millennia to come. The Age of Hives [41,000 BC - 30,124 BC] -Towards the end of the first age, the rise of the hive system would allow for Hivism to dominate the realm absolutely. Five massive hives formed, that proceeded to cement themselves in certain areas with a new kind of spirit and new revelation by the channelers being discovered; the spays. Spays were demonic beings that tormented the nature spirits, and were very hateful beings that would regularly slaughter and slaughter for sadistic pleasure. The purpose of the hive was to channel their spiritual energies to keep the spays from raping, torturing and maiming the natural spirits. -The conflict between the hives was between the way to go about it. The hives generally "knew" that clans were incapable of it, and became suspects blue to the influence of the spays- explaining why Mullji did bad things. Hives, due to their absolute nature left no room for rogue clans. Issue being from time to time, there was a rogue hive... -The long period in which hives were single large clans and development was in a perpetual constant of back and forth conflicts that went nowhere. Very stagnant times even by Mullji standards. -The system however lead to a lack of development, and while the order created was seen as good [after all, this period lasted ten thousand years just fine] it also kept in a interlocked war of material destruction and. The dynamic "flow" of the Age of Mold vanished. Despite that, the hives kept archives of what they labeled the "Age of Mold". The Age of Death [30,124 BC - 28,500 BC] -The Age of Death started out of nowhere, but there was a foreboding fifty years beforehand that the Kiv Nor, the fire hive, was aware of- and they tried stopping the spays by pouring water into the volcanic realm hoping to balance away the fire. But that would prove futile in stopping the eruption, and the complete and utter eradication of the Hive order. No such stability would ever be seen again in the Mullji's Story of existence again, especially with new technologies that caused growth to exceed beyond what was once thought possible and demand going far beyond their little continent, parsecs beyond. -That super Massive volcano erupts, causing a cataclysm that is on the level of the human toga mass extinction in terms of percentages. [30,124 BC is the exact year the eruption happened]. -Written history in this time pretty much all pointed to the idea an apocalypse was happening. -The Legend of the Fik [a clan] was written in this apocalyptic time chronicling a clan that went to ever more desperate measures in order to survive, resorting to cannibalism, rape [forced fertilization] and becoming increasingly paranoid until they finally find the orange land, paradise. This legend would factor into developments for thousands of years to come; mainly the idea of going outward to find better places that was in the past neglected. -Despite all the death, enough civilization survived that one of the large hives took over all the mega island for five hundred years, the Ji Jo Fik hive which fell apart due to the rapid rise in populations and instability from the lack of food causing yet more dead; and the realm as far as any would be concerned, was dead. The Age of Fire [28,500 BC - 27,000 BC] -The discovery of fire use in this age lead to the start of metallurgy, bronze and so forth. The technological revolution lead to the development of new political philosophies and the want to sail out of the realm got strong. This especially comes from how feasible making vessels of equivalent capability to human junk ships started being using bronze crafts. -One of the new philosophies was the purpose of clans, and the idea of a clan hierarchy. Hivism would still be around, and in some ways adapt to the many different schools of Clannism that would dominate. -First contact with the greater realm, later known as the Sund lands and the Deep Sund happened, and it was a vast land of wild. New foods in the realm would from their caloric ness lead to much more massive populations and deeper hives than ever before. The Age of Abyss [27, 000 BC - 19,000 BC] -With the success of the earlier sailing, aquatic ventures became the norm as Mullji adventurers found all the lands in the world in this age. The five great empires formed, as did clannist thought with the cohesion and control new hive types that were gestalts of many clans started to outperform the mono-clan hives. -Much innovation in this time; metallurgy sophisticated to make advanced transit systems through the hives and proliferation of the Mullji kept going up, only kept in check by long continuous wars for mineral rich parts of the world. Iron came into use in the Abyss Age as did advanced magnets. [which while called the Age of the Abyss, is considered one of the good ages, especially in contrast to the Age of Sky, Age of Death or Nebula ages] -The Mullji found a different species related to them in the greater realm, and they lacked much of what they had, the Dullj they were called. The Dullji were used as slaves and still are; it is not as if the Dullj ever protested. The conquest of the Dullji was a walk over, as they lacked much means of fighting against the mithril weapons of the Mullji. -The clans would form federal hierarchies that controlled the more spirited parts of the world. Spays were also discovered to be the result of corruption of the spirits, and stories of how great spirits corrupted became common, especially the legend of the fire spirit who became the spay that nearly ended the world in the Age of Death. -Hives would dominate parts of the world as well, stubbornly holding oto specific regions under the [half justified] belief that the clans intentionally make spays to harass their rivals and cause instability. -The Dullj found themselves alongside the Kujii and the Spijj as slave species to the clans, the Kujii being used as combat thralls and the Spijj being smart enough to do half complex tasks. However, the Spijj turned to cause multiple revolts and make domains of their own in 21,000 BC. The Spijj turning out to be around the same intellect of the Mullji. -Spijj however, were still treated like crap by the Mullji and generally got shitty roles in Mullji hives. The other two groups kept underfoot. Spijj also life style wise were far more nomadic than Mullji, making chiefdoms and constantly migrating In packs. Spijj appearance wise were very much like Mullji, but much lighter in build and had much longer limbs. -Sexual reproduction wasn't exactly possible between Mullji and the other species; it would be like a human and chimpanzee having kids. That being said, beastiality was quite common; "Spijj spewer/raper/fucker" being a a rather common form of insult used in quite a few Mullji civilizations, even the ones where it was socially acceptable and even institutionalized. -free Spijj would prove a massive annoyance to Mullji in the southern parts of the greater realm, especially the hives that kept trying to integrate them. The Age of Sky [19,000 BC - 16,987 BC] -The age of sky came about as a result of flying and the start of using advanced magnetics and modified terrain to create super highways across the world. -The Spijj would prove much more active, and even made flying machines and took control of territories in highlands and plateaus, and while the Mullji would also adapt these technologies the Spijj would never be able to overtake the Mullji, as they never had high populations and they were lacking in many other areas outside of aeronautics. -The Spijj also made sky forts, a development Mullji would adapt as well but not for habitation-instead more as a means of over watch and the appeal a Flying Fortress has. Wars of sky forts indeed would happen. -Overall a more chaotic age than which came before it. The Age of the Void [16,987 BC - 12,000 BC] -The advancements in magnetics would cause the first spaceship of Mullji design to be launched in 16,987 BC. Despite that trends from the Sky Age would continue, but the Spijj skydoms would go on the decline and lose relevance for some time. Mullji still kept to the idea Spijj were were strange. -The Void Age would have more launches of early spacecraft, and these developments lead to magnetic weapons and the creation of geothermal plants very deep in a hive. -The advancements of food distribution and rate at which hives were made along with the use of other species caused population rates to get insane- millions of clans existing at once in endless networks of caves, tunnels, cities, spires and complexes made not just of stone, but of metal and plastic-like materials too; some hives were foamy, others cut in strange geometric patterns. This sort of new hive, the "industrial hive" would become prominent for ages to come- it would be hives like this humans would see in the outer colonies. -Colonization of the moon initially was a disaster, with thousands dying from no air, but later attempts became more successful as the colonies based themselves deep underground using geothermal energies to supply heat and relying on shipments of air, before becoming self-sufficient. This sort of colonization happened around 15,002 BC. -Communalism also became a major ideology alongside the many schools of Hivism and Clannism. Communalists believed in a egalitarian mode of life made by all the clans acting in unison with equal distribution of resources and labor. This third ideology became popular on the second moon colony, causing the first interworld war to break out as Communalists threatened to secede from their mothering hive. This war, the "First War" was the first shout out against a traditionally extremely hierarchal set of civilizations. -A Super Volcano eruption happened in this age around 12,451 BC, leading to a relatively less deadly super disaster, but it was still pretty awful. -Colonization to worlds beyond the moon system of Sko was the immediate result, the moons now having their own bases to launch spaceships much easier than the main planet could. -Biotechnology became a very important thing for the Mullji development wise; life spans quadrupled and a super weapon was made, one far more powerful than anything seen before- the bio bomb. -Belief in the spirits lost traction, especially as belief in entire worlds being ruled by custodians that were the rulers of entire planets [the most important custodian being sko's, of course] The Age of Failure [12,000 BC -10,234 BC] -Yea, someone made use of that bio bomb. Trillions died, the populations going down 40% all over Sco as a result from the artificial bio plagues. Traditionally there was often plagues, but they never impacted the populations outside of decimation. But the ability to make custom strains of deadly viruses made artificial plagues common. -Belief in the spays turned to worship of not the spirits, but the spays. this disruption caused holy wars to break out against the demonic spays who now clearly have possessed much the world. The destruction of Classic Spiritualisn was at hand, especially as worship switched to spays or custodians; much more powerful beings than willy nilly spirits. Folk religions still existed, but custodians were seen as far more relevant and worship of both was extremely common. -This Age ended with the first space colonies going to the asteroids. -Biotech developments lead to the use of Kuljii and Dullj as experiment critters alongside their now traditional slavery as thralls or laborers working with the animals. But they still yet to protest like the Spijj, another victim of experiments, did. The Age of Asteroids [10,234 BC -9,000 BC] -The age of asteroids was the age in which colonization of asteroids from those nearby to those in the furthest reaches of their star system occurred, making use of terraforming techniques developed over the millennia to make asteroids into homes for single clans, and also attempting to link together larger asteroids to make super structures like Jimal's Tube and the Grey sphere that came to dot the star system. -On Sko, the biggest project yet was made; a mass driver that could send spacecraft to other stars. Even the custodians started looking small in comparison to the big picture of things; coast from star to star, colonize other systems. A new order was forming- A order of the stars. The first interstellar mission was a success, going to a strange volcanic world in a star system a few light years away. They used kinetics and solar sails to confirm landings. Century after the first mission. Later, missions would start being conducted on a very, very regular basis due to the insane populations and the birth of a new philosophy- Proliferationism. The belief that the meaning if existence is not keeping order with the custodians, but proliferating throughout the stars. And that is what they did. The Age of Stars [9,000 BC - 3,000 BC] -Unlike humans, the Mullji saw little issue with the timescales of subliminal travel, and therefore in their spreading would keep shooting further out. Colonies spread like wildfire, as it took only two centuries to develop a colony enough to start shooting out more Mullji to other star systems while the native colony kept developing their star system. -Biotech in this age advanced by a lot, the biobomb not being the only biotech anymore. They also started modifying their slaves to be more efficient, and even modifying themselves to do things beyond a typical clan. Caste based hierarchal clans started sprouting up on multiple systems. -Communalism sprouted up on multiple isolated colonies, making use of biotech to achieve the unison. No more were queens or clan chiefs needed, according to communalist philosopher clans. -Magnetics lead to ever more effective gauss weapons, Mass drivers on ships became common and lasers/missiles became more in use, but as supplementaries. Some hives over the millennia would however develop missile centric technologies, including chemical and even the first atomic rockets. Nuclear power! -Multiple interstellar orders formed in the star age, but they'd remain rather isolated as they kept spreading among the stars at rapid rates. -Spijj started making use of nomadic space craft adapting nuclear rockets to fly around the cosmos in extremely powerful engines., -5,000 BC is when the first [of many] interstellar wars occurred as a major shipment of Mullji got sent to another system that was highly occupied. There was blood. -More interstellar conflicts caused by colonists going back towards the home world instead of forward occurred since than, in increasingly greater intensity as more Mullji are proliferated throughout the stars. -Contact with intelligent life happened multiple times, with varied results. Ten times it ended with a expansion of the caste system, two times the natives adapted the technologies of the Mullji and fought off them, one of which started The Age of Nebulae [3,000 BC - 500 BC] -Electronics first made us of around 2000 BC, but aren't silicon in nature; they're synaptic electronics, or chemical based leading to later advancements in biotech such as sentient spaceships, advanced communal hives and hyper production of life. -More conflicts occurred, especially with the backwards colonial waves and all the damn Spijj and Nparra nomads. Conflicts also occurred locally on the more populous systems. -Genetic modification continued to cause a innovation wave throughout all the colonies, the limits of the subliminal communication system all too appearing despite on planets there being instantaneous communication. -Another major event was the advent of a terrifying civilization that attacked hundreds of colonies before being reduced to their own system in a thousand year long war that occurred from 1807 - 788 BC. -Consolidation occurred in multiple star systems, interstellar hives started forming that kept in more contact with each other than outsider hives. Genetic modification causing greater difference in the appearance of Mullji, making multiple clades especially as synaptic wiring have way to advanced genetic modification. -Magnetic weapons became more focused to the point where they could shoot relativistic projectiles from across the system. -Fusion technology started being harnessed. -Spaceship metallurgy now extremely sophisticated. The Age of Glory [500 BC - 2000 AD] -The age of glory saw to the first use of Anti-Matter weapons, as well as spacecraft now being relativistic. -The inner colonies start making Dyson spheres and extremely, extremely huge mega projects. Entire artificial worlds big. -Outer colonies start becoming heavily communalist in some areas, the dream being realized much to the horror of both Hivists and Clannists. The ideologies are tripolar now. -The Mullji on the whole egalitarianized to some level, with multiple species rebelling against their oppressors to varied results; a couple of these species ended up obliterated for their insubordination while others would keep their independence and keep defended. Colonies eventually became open minded enough that they started seeing other species as clients and not slaves; but it would take a war with a similarly advanced civilization to cause the creation of the community. -The glory of this age comes from the "golden sphere", a massive planetoids of pure gold made from multiple star systems of asteroids being concentrated to one area as a symbol of proliferationism's success. The Mullji now seem immortal. -Anti-Matter technology in common use by 1700 AD. -Computers in the inner colonies are finally invented in 1860 AD, but would not see use on outer colonies until 3000 AD. The Age of Light [2000 AD - Now] -Started with the discovery of FTL, but due to the nature of the subliminal travel and general disconnect in outer colonies [which by the way, are thousands of light years from Sko]. Human contact made the development of the networks quicker; as the Mullji outer colonies adapted human technologies like Silicon/Fiberoptic Electronics and Energy manipulation. -The creation of this FTL devices does not go unnoticed by the Virgo, who were watching this whole time for ten thousand years. -The Virgo ascend multiple Mullji by 2100 AD. -Human contact in 2437 leads to a hundred year war between some of the outer colonies and the most advanced civilization found by the Mullji. Humans rapidly adapt anti-matter and many other Mullji technologies, but independently invent wormholes thanks to Spinoza, but some Mullji deny this possibility insisting humans took it from the outer colonies despite outer colonies only getting wormholes in 2630 AD. -The Community is co-founded in 2510 by Mullji outer colonials and humans, as well as Spijj and a several other client species of humans and Mullji. -The Mullji by now are spread in a 1.5 thousand light year radius by 2700 AD. Sko stats; -Rotation time: 15 hours [10 enki] -Orbital time: 9 months [5 fikak] one nikak = 100 enki one fikak = 10 nikak [/hider] Should I see a doctor? And can anyone even understand this shit?