[hider=character] Name: Mira Black Appearance: [hider=image] [img]http://data.whicdn.com/images/34759438/original.jpg[/img] [/hider] Age: 20 Gender: Female Abilities: Base - Mira's contract with her demon passively increases her physical abilities, making her strong and agile, though not inhumanly so. Her five senses have acquired a greater improvement, making it hard to take her by surprise. Personal Reality - besides her enhanced body, Mira has the ability to create a "personal reality bubble" anywhere touching her skin. This bubble is only three inches in diameter, and is used for most of her powers, but maintaining it consumes massive amounts of energy and usually requires her full concentration. Shaping - Mira's greater power is the ability to "create" objects. Mira can create objects in two ways. First, she can start from nothing, only using her will as a base for the object. Objects created this way are fragile and only last a few minutes after their creation, but they can be made with little effort on the fly. Secondly, she can mold nearly any material she touches into another shape. Objects made this way are permanent, and typically hold up better than objects made the other way, but it requires more concentration and materials on hand. Utility - while most useful in making objects, Mira's personal reality can serve other purposes. Some techniques she commonly practices are creating light, hardening the air to deflect blows or creating a platform to stand on. Bio: Mira has a good heart, but has always been a bit sadistic. When people anger her, she takes a perverse pleasure in her revenge. Other than that, she is a typical college student, going to class, hanging out, studying. That is, she was typical, until the day of her contract. On one of her days off, Mira spent the day off campus, just wandering the city. It was simply bad luck that she ran into a stereotypical back alley situation, a young girl being ganged up on by a group of armed men. Logically, she knew she should have turned the other way, but her pride wouldn't allow her to simply pretend she hadn't seen anything. She stepped in to help the girl, and predictably wound up with a knife in her gut. Just when she had resigned herself to the end, she discovered it was only the beginning. [/hider] [hider=Demon] Name: Zythal Gender/Age: Male/ 10 years Demon Type: Curiosity Daemon Appearance: [img]https://encrypted-tbn2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSrq9eiaGB_6zriCSrY8JfmEQvRh5J2cNzlO3aWO01T8Yi_bNCo[/img] Abilities: Zythal lost almost all of his abilities when he contracted with Mira. To compensate, he carries a giant leatherbound grimoir on a strap across his shoulder, and uses it to copy down spells from any tomes or practitioners he encounters. He can cast most any spell he finds, but his energy is not unlimited. Biography: Zythal is a newly born daemon. Curiosity Daemons typically latch on to a host or familiar early, which gives them opportunity to learn by observation. Like their name suggest, they are possessed by a ravenous hunger for knowledge of any kind, and believe information is as valuable as gold or jewels. Zythal dislikes any kind of exorcise, and typically complains loudly when forced to do any. Extras: Contract - I, [u]Mira Black[/u], Vow that, in exchange for my life and power of which I shall have full freedom of use, will aid in [u]Zythal[/u]'s search for knowledge, and, a maximum of five times over the life of this contract, shall perform any task he desires without deviation or refusal. [/hider] Edit: It might be interesting if you add a section detailing exactly what their contract is. I'm going to add mine to Extras.