[quote=@MachineSoul] [@Silverwind Blade] I totally got that the first time, but looking at your comment from another perspective brought me to that :P [/quote] As long as my joke didn't miss the target, or get taken the wrong way xD By the way, your new character is totally perfect, and absolutely the exemplar of what characters in this RP should be xD (but, if you want to make a new one, that would be super) It almost makes me wistful for the best-worst character app we had on the previous forum. I can't remember if Cart was with us at that point or not, but I know Incubus was. I'm sure he remembers laser-space-wolf as well as I do. [quote]Thar! A post! I am not necessarily sure if I hit the dot, but let me know if I missed![/quote] It was totally fine, thanks for getting that one up :)