Farid felt like Alice in the world of wonders and although he tried to mask it, his eyes almost literally shone with anticipation. It was his first time on board of space ship and although it felt all weird and unnerving, he enjoyed every bit of the ship´s long journey. He was surrounded by modern technology, everything was clean and he didn´t see any sand for ages. His life was about to become way better, despite the ongoing war. From Borea, Farid knew what was it like, to fight for his life and he was sure that this experience will give him a certain edge over his new classmates. He like this planet, arid lands looked so much nicer than seas of sand on his homeworld. The city itself was the most majestic thing Farid had ever seen. He was used to small, sheltered farms and even the biggest Borean city wasn´t anything more than a dirty scrapyard, at least compared to Tranquility. His heart beat like a hell as he watched the land from small windows of transport shuttle. „Get it together!“ he told to himself. After all, he wasn´t there to appreciate the landscapes, but to learn the art of war. The shuttle docked in a while and Farid and other new student´s flooded the landing platform. Farid looked around, wondering if there were others people from backwater planets He doubted it. Tranquility was a top military school, the majority of students will be probably rich kids and sons and daughters of military officers. Farid wasn´t sure how is going to fit there, but he was decided to do his best. His father thought that military was a bad idea and Farid was decided to convince him otherwise. But to do so, he first had to find out, what exactly was he supposed to do now. He expected that stuff of the academy would show them things around, but so far, there wasn´t anyone apart from newcomers. „Any idea what should we do? “ he asked the small crowd of students around him, trying to look less nervous than he actually was.