[color=gold]"Well, there aren't really,"[/color] Jun admitted to Shuka as he put up the curtain properly so that it would go back and forth, functioning perfectly as a makeshift door. He swished the curtain open from the other side, peeking in at Shuka. [color=gold]"I went to a normal high school before I came here, you see. My Aunt and I thought it best I come to a school that only helped rather than hindered my career as an assassin. I already been taking up contracts for a while so I figure, hey, can only go up from here right? "Ah,"[/color] He fluffed the curtains gently, satisfied with their handiwork. [color=gold]"This will do nicely. Seeing as you probably the best person I've come across other than a girl with sharp teeth and ninja from earlier, I think I'll take the room right next door. That is, I certainly hope it will be alright."[/color] He straightened up, hands on his hips. [color=gold]"What is it we are supposed to do once we get settled in anyways?"[/gold]