Miles walked close to the Raccoon who followed the bigger animals but Miles knew this might mean that one of them wanted the Raccoon for a snack. [@Roecoon] [color=ed1c24]"Sorry for being so grumpy,"[/color] Miles whispered to the Raccoon so quietly and slyly as he walked next to it. [color=ed1c24]"I'm Miles those two you might need to be careful of they are bigger and they like eating smaller kin like us at times,"[/color] He nodded his head towards the Wolf and then the Panther. [color=ed1c24]"So if I were you I'd be careful around them,"[/color] He said with caution eyeing the ears of the two animals in front of them watching if they were twitching in his general direction. [color=ed1c24]"Hey you should hang out with me I know lots about the Orphanage I have been here ever since I was born!"[/color] He said with a toothy small grin.