I have a declaration.After many hoursf of thinking I have a clear idea about the system.So please read this carefully. TURNS: Every player will play once per turn at a max of 4 pharagraps.A trun lasts until everyone made their action.The turns will go in order of joining.That means that I go first and the others come after me.It seems that eemmtt will be second in turn.For the first 4 turns there is a peacy treaty so no aggressive actions allowed. RESOURCES: Every small icon on the terrain map I posted shows the resource of that area.This a bit more complicated tho. -None:Where there are no icons it is grasslands and is considered a food source. -Swamp:Swamps have no resource values.They are not passable by ground forces so a good idea is to palce towns next to it. -Hills:Hills provide Food,Wood,adn minerlas.They are the ace of deposits but they don't excel at any of theses resources. -Mountains:Mountains provide an abundance of Minerals but nothing else.YOu cannot build on them and you get a huge movement debuff for every unit type. -Forest:These palces provide some minerlas,some food,and moderate wood. -Taiga:Lots of wood and moderate-ish minerlas. -Jungles:Abundance of wood and moderate food.Almost no minerals are present here. -Iceland:This land provides a similar debuff as mountains.No riches here. -Bodies of water:Bodies of water grant an overall food bonus(and mineral if modern technology).This bonus is counted by all the Surface of water an empire has.There are no rough icon counting invlolved.(Which I will do do not worry guys.) -Grasslands:The actual grasslands Icon provides more food that a place with no icon.Very important for Food resources. ARMIES: Armies can be assembled using the resource income of a nation over turns.There is no stockpiling minerals.If you want better income you will nned more buildings that produce it.(reason behind this is that the abundance of materials are spent on coomerical means.)Armies always move in straigh lines to the designated spot.You can mark the movements on your CS profile with your version of map.Of course stealth and undetected movements shouldn't be showed.!!Metagaming is highly bannable here.Trust is an order.If you don't respect this you are not allowed in or will be banned from the post!! BUILDINGS: Buildings can be marked in a similar way like cities.I will update my Imgur link every time someone builds something.The reosurces neeeded are roughly calculated by me depending on the building.Bigger things cost more turn depending on the income.They will most likely take from 1 turn to 3 but if you build something big it can take more.Only one building is allowed per pharagraph. ACTIONS: Every pharagraph is taken as an action.Anything that is not building or training is classified as lore or diplomatic moves.Most of the time you will use this unmarked one to communicate.You also have an extra pharagrpah availbe if you feel like you have to but if you do that to much it will be Powergaming.(EG if you have a way going on and you need to move armies and build,sou you wouldn't have time for diplomatics or lore you are permitted for another pharagrpah.Otherwise refrain from this method.) If you have any suggestions on what I (probably) messed up in the system you are free to tell me.Exact materials and costs will be counted when you post the suggestion in OOC.