*Tsk* The noise came fom Mokuren, irritably as she scanned the board in the combat class. Where she had come from, where she had been, why she had been shopping for clothes in a soup store, nobody knew. But, she saw her Super Mega Giga Arch-Nemesis paired off with someone who wasn't her. Or, was she? Mokuren looked at her tail, and the hugged it to confirm she was who she was, which she was. And that was good. She liked being her, but then, how would she know how much she liked being someone else if she had never been someone else? But then, she saw [i]it[/i]. Ripper... Tearer... Slasher... Gouger. The Teeth in the Darkness, the Talons in the Night. Strength... and Lust... and Power, it was, a Fly! How could they walk across cellings like that wihtout falling down. Such things defied logic, common sense, and even Sanity itself! And then she also saw that she was paired with Skyra. Not really understanding, or caring to understand the rules, she skipped over to Skyra and sat down next to her. "Hey. How did you like the cheese?"