Okay, finished up a set of characters. Tell me if anythings OP needs nerf, I was kind of going for a glass cannon type of thing hence the amount power and lack of defense. But yeah, even then I never know how much to pull back. I also didn't want to just use the demon as a second character, and thus and afterthought, hence the pacts entwining the two into two different roles. [hider=Sera Kennithson] [centre][img]https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-D5O8dHhwF04/VIYjglKqDgI/AAAAAAAAFTA/Gh_UauZ50Y4/IMG_4313.JPG[/img] [i]"The blood of the soldier, makes the general great."[/i] [b][color=f7941d]Name:[/color][/b] Sera Kennithson [b][color=f7941d]Gender/Age:[/color][/b] Female, 26 [b][color=f7941d]Appearance:[/color][/b] See Above [b][color=f7941d]Weapons:[/color][/b] [b]The Threaded Cane:[/b] A weapon favored by Alyx during her time in the underworld. Upon first glance it appears to be a simple cane with a metal shaft and steel spike at the end. Upon closer inspection however it becomes apparent that the shaft is made up of multiple serrated segments which, upon the user wishing to do so may be released to change the weapon into a whip. The cane is useful for fast strikes and stabs, whereas the whip attributes itself to causing heavy damage to the enemies flesh with it's multiple serrated edges and long range. [b][color=f7941d]Abilities:[/color][/b] [b]Bloodlust:[/b] This is the main ability that was gifted to Sera upon the creation of her contract. It allows her to grow in strength and speed as she draws blood from her enemies or they draw blood from her, with the latter causing a greater power increase to account for the greater danger it possesses. A demon as great as Alyx would be able to use this ability indefinitely and would be able to increase their power by up to hundreds if not thousands times greater than their base power. Sera, as a mere human, is greatly limited in two ways. Firstly her power is probably only doubled at the most before a cap kicks in to prevent the body from destroying itself. The ability therefore also takes longer to reach said cap. [b]Blood Starved:[/b] This is the second limitation of the Bloodlust ability, as she spills more blood it begins to damage her body, corrupting it. Until a point where she reaches the "Blood Limit" which prevents her body from tearing itself apart. If she continues to engage in combat however eventually this cap will "Shatter" as her subconscious takes over to preserve her life. With this her power increases vastly further than the cap but her attacks become wilder and more beast-like as she indiscriminately attacks friends and foes alike. The biggest drawback of this however is that her body begins to tear apart as she begins to bleed at an increased rate from her wounds. [b]Blood Transfusion:[/b] In order to deal with any injuries Sera's blood has taken up regenerative properties, speeding up the healing of both her own cuts and those of others so long as she smears her blood over them. It's a lucky thing that her blood type is O-. Her blood in larger doses (two pints) can also cure poisons. To cope even further with the loss of blood she faces Sera's body is capable of replenishing it at a rate where she could go from empty to full within three to four months, far faster than your average human being who takes a month to replace a single pint. [b]The White Blood Pact:[/b] This is perhaps, the most prosperous of Sera's abilities. The White Blood Pact allows her to tap into Alyx's blood lust, using it to increase both of their bloods regeneration rate even more than usual. This is a risky procedure as while it can regenerate all of their blood within 24 hours it puts her into a near critical state and removes all of Alyx's powers leaving her defenseless. After her blood is fully recovered, or the technique is interrupted however Sera will completely recover within the hour or less depending on how long she had been using the technique. [b][color=f7941d]Biography:[/color][/b] An average day, an average walk, a not so average traffic situation. Sera had only gone out for some milk. But nothing could predict that on her walk home someone would run a red light. They were hit towards the rear bumper, on the side. Sending them spiraling out of control, into a lamp-post, into Sera and then through a shop window. As the glass shattered into thousands of pieces, mannequins were decapitated and Sera's body hit the wall time slowed. An audible snap sounded and time stopped. As Sera hung onto her consciousness she looked down, her leg had a small metal bar sticking through it and three large glass shards were lodged in her torso, a fourth had pinned the arm of a mannequin to the wall next to her. Her vision began to haze, even with time being stopped blood gushed our of her torso and made its way up her throat. If time began to move she was done for. She even tried to make on last ditch attempt to move. But the glass held her up. As she began to close her eyes from exhaustion a figure moved towards her, black hair, cut above the shoulders, green eyes and skin which seemed paler than humanly possible. As if no blood ran through her veins. Her lips began to move, words came out which Sera pieced together as, "How about you make a deal with the devil? Shh, don't answer, it's not as if you have a choice in the matter. Now. Lets keep you alive shall we?" after that, no one knows what happened. The glass had gone as had the bar. Sera was alive. And she was in for a treat. [b][color=f7941d]Extra:[/color][/b] The standard blood regeneration may not sound a lot, but considering the average body needs four to six weeks to produce a single pint, the ability to produce a full bodies worth (8-12 pints) makes this double the usual speed. [/centre] [/hider] [hider=Alyx the Banished] [centre] [img]http://img2.blog.zdn.vn/62958178.jpg[/img] [i]"How would you like to make a deal with the devil?"[/i] [color=f7941d][b]Name:[/b][/color] Alyx The Banished [color=f7941d][b]Gender/Age:[/b][/color] Female, 690 [color=f7941d][b]Demon Type:[/b][/color] Demon [color=f7941d][b]Appearance:[/b][/color] See Above. [color=f7941d][b]Abilities:[/b][/color] [b]Bloodlust[/b] Much like Sera, Alyx has her own bloodlust which allows her to double her strength and speed. Unlike Sera she does not face the danger of becoming Blood Starved, due to her body being used to the constant punishment it supplies. Instead of punishing her in that way, meeting her cap allows Alyx to use her other abilities, which are usually suppressed. [b]Bloody Rain[/b] Alyx's signature technique allows her to turn her flowing blood into some form of faux living creature. Sort of like tendrils sprouting from her injuries. This allows her to attack incredibly quickly from multiple directions. The tendrils don't do a whole lot of damage but they are able to confuse the opponent to allow Alyx to connect her own hits far more easily. [b]Black Blood Pact[/b] The Black Blood Pact is much like the White Blood Pact in the way that it affects both members of the party, however it merely weakens Sera, absorbing her bloodlust and adding it to Alyx allowing her to bypass the power cap and increase her power by up to six times for five minutes. Naturally with a hit to her own stamina, exhausting her in the process. [color=f7941d][b]Biography:[/b][/color] As one of the most powerful of the underworlds tormentors Alyx was feared by those weaker than her, as she tortured the souls of the dammed she became more and more powerful. It was as if some perverted pleasure came from it. Certainly, she was a perfect example of what the underworld needed in their demons. But even when work brings you pleasure, it is still work. Alyx needed more so that is what she sought. Until she sought to much, becoming banished from the underworld, cursed to wonder the mortal realm. At least that's how she told it to Sera, who knows how much was actually true. What is definitely true however is that Alyx the (questionably) Banished ended up in the mortal realm, at the same time Sera neared her death - the perfect time to create a contract by force and remain in the realm. Nothing a might demon such as herself could handle, she saved her, and then began the process. [i]You who lies before me, near death, Agree, so that you may catch your breath, That You, Sera Kennithson, And I, Alyx the Banished, Shall become one in blood. In return for life, you agree, That in this realm you shall accompany me Now take my power for yourself, Sign my contract, and let it be. [/i] It was the easiest contract in the world. She was almost dead so she hadn't a choice! The contract was forced upon her. Alyx didn't care about the terms, she just needed to survive in the mortal realm. ANYWHERE was better than the underworld. She only needed a companion so that whoever had her powers couldn't just run off. Mortals were untrustworthy. Besides, it also meant that Alyx got free lodgings. [color=f7941d][b]Extra:[/b][/color] Just sort of imagine her wearing something to cover the horns up. 'cause you know. Demons have horns. I also know fuck all about demons it turns out. Hence the incredibly vague Demon Type if someone knows what it called then please tell me.[/centre] [/hider]