[h1]Razor[/h1] Razor was ignoring the fairy boy for the most part until his name came up, which did cause him to look over him a bit, before shrugging and going back to washing himself. When the Naga also made her introduction, Razor decided he might as well give his own introduction as well. "My name's Razor, and I've been a ghoul for about four years. I've no memory of my life before my awakening as a ghoul, but I don't really care either. It's a pleasure to meet you all . . . I guess." After his lackluster intro, Razor went back to washing himself again, wondering if his new roommate will be an annoying pain. While he was washing, the two Naga's would feel a slightly unsettling feeling, as if they were being watched. If they tried to locate the source of said feeling, they'd soon turn to see the skull's glowing eyesockets. While it appeared like he was looking only at the ceiling, he was in fact committing every curvature of the two girls to memory in an entirely shameless fashion. When no one can tell where your eyes are looking, it's hard to accuse someone of perverted behavior. [@Letter Bee] [@2b3heart] [@Roecoon] [h1]Ian Blackwood[/h1] Ian nodded at Corrie's art work, it was all very impressive, especially his last one. When he said that it was his father, Ian gave a grin, his eyes taking on a brief glow as he worked illusion magic into the air. Suddenly, it would appear to those present to see that he painting had come alive, soaring off of the paper and letting out powerful roars of dominance as it surveyed it's domain. It would do this for a little while longer, before finally landing back on the paper, dispelling the illusion in full. "You've got some skills with a brush, i'll give ya that, but how's your illusion magic? Can you create as vivid imagery with your abilities as you can with a pen stroke?" Ian said, mischief in his eyes as he spoke out his challenge, turning to the other dark elf in attendance as well. "How about you, madame, are you one to flaunt your magical prowess. Why don' we have a contest? Who ever makes the coolest or most spectacular illusion wins. The prize being that the losers have to do one thing the winners says, no questions asked. Deal?" What the other two wouldn't be aware of, however, was that this was more than just a simple dare. If they accepted the challenge, a mark would appear over their heart, a stylized yin-yang symbol where Yang was represented by a Dragon with elongated ears and Yin was represented by a scantily clad woman with demon wings. This was the mark of a demonic contract, made through Dark Magic, and it would make sure that they followed the rules. A similar mark would also appear on Ian's chest, making sure he was bound by the same rules that had been set. [@JDizzle383] [@LadyTale]