An eyebrow was raised at Moku's appearance next to her, still Skyra smiled at her new friend, who was, nevertheless, pretty difficult to understand. Not language wise, mind you. Just in thought processes and stuff. [color=f7976a]"Yep, but it was soooo freakin' much that I had to share it with my mates and there still was some left for breakfast this morning, which I promptly took care of."[/color] Still sporting her trademark tomboy-grin Skyra pulled out both Aurora Ravagers and put one on her lap. While the right hand was holding the sword, the left one pulled out a polishing cloth and started rubbing and cleaning the deactivated right hand sword with extreme care and visible love for the weapon. [color=f7976a]"So, we're supposed to fight, I think. But..."[/color], she shrugged still dutifully polishing her weapons, [color=f7976a]"I can't be arsed right now..."[/color]