[@chukklehed] [u][b]Declined[/b][/u] I raised some concerns with you through the PM that you sent, and I have yet to see anything rectified. Instead, you've disregarded my concerns and proceeded with your character design. I am talking about the points where her senses have been increased, along with her Utility skill where she is able to create a shield from only light. Is she a defensive character or an offensive one? And by saying this I am asking you to choose. Also, the Personal reality bubble is a skill I do not understand. It does not link into the other skills and only mentions that it is the source of her power. Your demon and your human don't share the same traits. They feel like two separate characters with different sets of skills. The ability to record down spells has no correlation to the ability to create objects and weapons. I also feel that the ability to recreate a permanent object into something else may class as over powered considering you could grab someone else's weapon and recreate it as your own. The character simply does not flow. It feels like a collection of skills that have similar traits so that they interact with each other, but there is no set theme for your character. This is without going into that extras part. There is [b]no[/b] mutual agreements/clauses between Demons and Humans in their contracts. Demons steal people's souls, [i]unwillingly[/i], as described in the OOC. The contracts are not up for redesign and they will not be added as an extra point into the character sheets. "Telling me" to add that, and then doing it anyway, alone tipped me over the edge. Fix it. End of discussion. [hr] [@Oni_] [u][b]Accepted![/b][/u] Love the design and violent nature of her skills. Place it up in the Character sheet when you're ready. :sun Also a tip for the horns, just state that when she's not in battle they don't appear. ;)