LHG100's CS [hider=IASDCOM's Best] Alias: Black Static Real Name: Arthur Adamska Nickolai Age: 28 Gender: Male. Appearance: [hider=Warning hueg imgs] [img]http://i.imgur.com/8LTs2Cz.jpg[/img] In Combat Suit [img]http://i.imgur.com/V8Rl3Gd.jpg[/img] Outside Combat Suit. [/hider] He's a slightly shorter man, at five feet and six inches, yet he's honed his physical ability as high as possible. He has messy brown hair, and blue-grayish eyes. He has a tendency to wear a red bandanna to keep his hair out of his face. He's also commonly a bit dirty, yet not terribly so. His 'Combat Suit' is descended from 'DragonSkin' armor, NBC suits, wetsuits, and uses some technology from astronaut and cosmonaut spacesuits. It's an intimidating piece of kit with piercing red eyes and a certain evilness to it, which amusingly belies the personality of the man inside. Personality: Arthur is a man of simple tastes and desires. He's focused on his mission, to eradicate dangerous supers and provide protection to those who can't do it themselves, be they 'normies' or metahumans. He doesn't care about race, color, or creed, all people are equal objects to protect. Yet... that's what he hopes. Sometimes, he finds himself hating the people he's supposed to help, and before every operation he wonders if he'll hold, or if he'll finally go nuts from contact with so many strange anomalies and persons and just kill everyone. To put it bluntly, he's crippled by self doubt, and wonders if he's really even worthy to try and protect the public. In the end, he'll always do the right thing, but he's worried if he's doing it for everyone, or just for himself. Is he killing dangerous supers to really help the common man, or is that just what he's telling himself? Is he just trying to affirm his superiority? Or something else? Short Biography: Arthur was born to normal human parents 28 years ago, yet, when he was just three they were mysteriously killed. Without even forming memories of his parents, he was put into an orphanage. At the age of 15, he ran away from his new 'family', and found himself joining the military, lying about his age. He raised through the ranks with his superb natural skills, and was put into a special operations group. After blowing them out of the water with his abilities and finding himself as the best operative they've ever had, he was put into IASDCOM, and has been with them ever since as their trump-card. Powers, Skills, Equipment: 'Black Static' has five primary items in his arsenal: his highly modified P90, an equally modified .44 dubbed the 'Normalcy Gun', his Combat Suit, his belt of various grenades, and his trusty multi-purpose communicator. His p90, dubbed 'Iron Rain', yet technically called the "p90 IASDCOM General Mod.", is designed for maximum capability against super-powered individuals, and still be highly useful against conventional enemies. To that end, it has a laser sight, an ammo-belt connecting to a small backpack on BS's back storing a large amount of ammunition, and each round comes complete with a depleted uranium core. It also has a longer barrel, giving increased accuracy. This gives it a high rate of fire with minimal need to reload, yet with minimum collateral damage. His .44 is a completely standard .44, aside from its' sole modification; the ability to accept special 'Normalcy Rounds'. Normalcy Rounds are fitted with tiny, miniaturized 'Normalcy Generators', that create a special field of energy that stops or reduces the effectiveness of most forms of super-abilities. It has a high rate of success, and is a trusted technology. His Combat Suit is, as aforementioned, descended from NBC suits, DragonSkin armor technology, military wet suits, and even spacesuits used by NASA and the Russian Federal Space Agency. It's made of a special undersuit, sealed from the elements, and providing a degree of protection by itself, mostly against melee weapons and environmental hazards, like fire or certain chemicals. After that is the oversuit, which is most like a spacesuit or hazmat suit, with a special mask (with a rebreather system) and gloves, creating a sealed environment for the wearer and fully protecting them against environmental dangers. It also starts protecting the wearer against small arms fire with its' thick skin. Finally is the outer armor, weaved with special circular ceramic plates, providing a huge degree of protection against small arms and explosives. In addition, it features many pockets for storing all sorts of miscellaneous equipment and items, alongside oxygen tanks. Finally, his suit also protects against psychic interference, to a certain point. His belt of grenades usually holds eight of them, four on the front, four on the back. All of his explosives are specially modified to not explode if shot at, yet explode when actually activated, giving an extremely minimum amount of time to force an explosion in his hand or some other trick. He usually has three 'spiker grenades' which explode into a highly focused storm of flechettes, three 'chaff grenades' which create small clouds of flakes made of a special material which messes with most forms of sensors, and two 'Normalcy Grenades' that create a large Normalcy Field that lasts forty five seconds. His Multi-purpose communicator is the most mundane of his equipment: It's a high-powered communication device that is effectively a smart-phone, radio, laser communicator, GPS, and PDA all at once. It's roughly the size of a bulky smartphone. Finally, even with his developing PTSD, he's just really, really determined. He refuses to back down from [i]trying[/i] to protect the weak, and never loses track of his goal. This, is ultimately [i]his[/i] superpower. Weakness: His primary weaknesses are a fear of not being strong enough, even with all of his skill, and 'just' being a highly skilled soldier with a few tricks up his sleeve. While he never shows it, and his psychological handlers back at HQ only suspect it, he has a massive amount of self-doubt and fear. Every time, he finds it difficult to pull the trigger, and sometimes wonders if he's really aiming at his target, or his mind is finally going and he's actually just killing a civilian. It'd be very easy to make him snap with psychic abilities, if you could just remove that pesky combat suit of his which helps against that. Full Biography: (Sorry I still need time to write this ;-;) Fun Facts: His favorite color is green. He hates spaghetti. He loves a good steak, or pizza. He's mildly scared of snakes. He is fluent in three languages: English, Russian, and Navajo. [/hider]