[@Leotamer] [@Kit DewStein] [@xXBalloonsXx] In response to Laura from when she mentioned he was obviously a snake, he quickly got defensive [color=007236]tch a snake? I ain't no snake. I'm probably a komodo dragon io a lizard or somethin'. And even if I'm am, what the hell kind of snake?[/color] when Andrew responded to the flea comment, Oliver just listened in as he watched Andrew's action like that of a dog. The DNA that he received must've been that but it was in the air what type. But chuckling from the convo between them, Oliver caught the sight of a blue haired chick with ear phones who asked about what else she could do in the facility. Damn...another girl. This was almost a dream to be surround by this many cuties. Oliver had that stalkerish gaze when looking over and spoke out [color=007236]you can fight, show off, or be a good girl and come over here and introduce yourself chika![/color] trying to get Skylar's attention.