[i]Nori walked toward her beloved DJ booth and stopped mid-step as her golden gaze landed on the newest decoration that hung above it. There, surrounded by a ridiculously ornate fourteen caret gold frame, was a picture of DJ Dangermouse. It was at least six feet tall and done in all black and white, with the older DJ looking smug while he smoked a cigarette. "What on God's green earth is that [b]thing[/b] doing above the sound table!?" she shrieked, pointing a finger accusingly at the offending picture. Mr. Beauregard slithered out of the shadows, his mouth curved into a shark like grin that showed too much teeth. "You don't like it? It's to honor Shiny City's best sound mixer, DJ Dangermouse," he drawled, resting his hand on her shoulder in a mockery of a soothing gesture. "Not only is he a better DJ than you, but he actually took my advice and dressed accordingly for his job, unlike some people. All though, I must say...," the bushy eyebrowed man paused here, running his thumb over her bare shoulder. "I quite like your new look." "What are y--" "Nori!" Cried Kameyo and the blonde turned around to see that the dance floor was suddenly packed with party goers, her roommate in front. "Nori, you forgot to put on clothes!" Kameyo yelled, her expression horrified. The crowd began to snap pictures on their phones while Arty tried his best to keep them at bay. Nori looked down and squeaked as she realized she was completely naked. "They've all gone stark raving mad! Run lass, I can't hold them forever!" Arty shouted above the crowd. Nori yanked away from Mr. Beauregard's grip, pushing past him and leaping over the bar to seek refuge behind it. "This just in folks, Nori Haywood has decided to bare all at Club LUSH tonight! Yowzah!" Nick Weston's voice filled the club through the PA system. "I've got pictures pouring into my inbox as we speak. I bet by tomorrow morning half of Shiny City will have seen her sweet sweater kittens. I, your faithful radio host, promise to review every single one of them personally and keep you posted on what Miss Haywood has going on under all those party dresses. Stay tun--"[/i] --- Nori bolted upright and flailed blindly, accidentally falling off her bed with a loud, 'thump'. The tattooed girl laid there and stared up at the ceiling in confusion for a moment, before coming back to her senses. "Oh thank God," she breathed, covering her eyes with her forearm and giggling softly. "Just a dream," she told herself, before gathering her blankets and crawling back into bed.