[hider=Yamato Perez][color=orange][b]Name:[/b][/color]Yamato "Mat" Perez [color=orange][b]Gender/Age: [/b][/color]Male, 21 [color=orange][b]Appearance:[/b][/color] [IMG]http://www.original-gamer.com/og/images/gootecksbig.jpg[/IMG] [color=orange][b]Weapons:[/b][/color] None [color=orange][b]Abilities: [/b][/color] [b]Fix:[/b] Mat has the ability to return objects to a state it had previously existed in. He can take a broken bottle and make it whole (the shards that used to compromise it will fly through the air back to the piece of glass he's touching), transform a table into a stack of lumber, return a rusted gate to its peak condition and even heal people and animals. This ability works almost instantaneously; however, he cannot use this ability on himself. Any damage he takes must be healed the good old fashioned way. Also, he can only "fix" things he is physically touching, and only within 20 meters of himself. If he rips up a dollar bill, keeps a piece on him and leaves the rest 20.01 meters away, he cannot return the dollar bill to its original condition. Furthermore, if Mat isn't concentrating or is in a foul mood, something he fixes could end up in a warped or disfigured state. Finally, Mat's ability cannot return the dead back to life, only repair corpses to a more whole state. [b]Arm Muscle:[/b] Mat's arm and shoulder muscles have become far more powerful than humanly possible, allowing him to smash through stone easily with his fist. The strength of his arms could also be increased if he managed to find enough weight to lift and trained as a normal human did. As a consequence of it being more easy to move around his bones, Mat can also move his arms superhumanly fast, but his reflexes are no better than before. The speed of his hands are limited to his ability to react. In theory, catching an arrow would be feasible for Mat's new arms, but he wouldn't be able to perceive it soon enough to actually do so. [b]Durability:[/b] To prevent his new arm muscles from destroying the rest of his body, Mat has become far more durable. Mat could jump off a 5 story building and still be fine, come out unscathed from a run in with a truck moving 45 mph, and step on a lego brick without feeling pain. However, piercing and slashing weapons like knives or fire still do a number on him. [color=orange][b]Biography: [/b][/color] Mat had been having a normal Friday night at a bar. Hanging out with friends, drinking some beers, hitting on girls, normal 21 year old stuff. At around 11, Nature called and Mat left his friends to go take a leak. Unbeknownst to him, Ron from high school also followed him in. Back in senior year, Mat had spotted Ron cheating on his then girlfriend Sara. Mat spilled the beans and a break up ensued. Nothing happened for 3 years, and Mat had forgotten it like the rest of high school. However, Ron was a vindictive SoB and liked to serve his revenge cold. As Mat washed his hands, he felt something gran the back of his head and begin to repeatedly slam it against the sink. After a couple times, the blood was starting to impair his vision and his head was growing fuzzy. His head pulled up for what seemed like the last time, another face appeared in the mirror crystal clear. He didn't quite hear or remember everything the man in the mirror said, but the gist was his soul for another chance at life. Well, Mat figured it was better to take his chances than to let everything end like this. The deal complete, everything began to move again. Mat took the chance to backfist Ron in the side of the head before turning around and pummeling the psycopath with a barrage of punches. Ron flew back into the stall door, his face surprisingly intact, but a lot uglier than Mat remembered. Mat cleaned off the blood on his face and went back to the bar to get another drink. [color=orange][b]Extra:[/b][/color] [/hider] [hider=Pitambara][color=orange][b]Name:[/b][/color] Pitambara [color=orange][b]Gender/Age: [/b][/color] Male, 2384 [color=orange][b]Appearance:[/b][/color][IMG]https://cholofroyo.files.wordpress.com/2014/11/asuras-wrath-wall.jpg[/IMG] His arms and body appear human outside of battle, and his eyes only glow when he's angry. [color=orange][b]Demon Type:[/b][/color] Daemon [color=orange][b]Weapons:[/b][/color] None [color=orange][b]Abilities: [/b][/color] [b]Enhanced Strength:[/b] Pitambara is stronger than humans, but only just. However, his strength extends to his entire body unlike Yamato allowing him to move faster than most humans can. [b]Durability: [/b]Pitamabara is also more durable than normal, but to a lesser degree compared to Mat. [b]Fix:[/b] Pitambara has the ability to fix things too, unlike Mat, it can apply to himself, but it's far weaker. Pitambara's fixing only works in real time. A dollar bill he rips up and then fixes will repair itself as quickly as it was ripped up, no faster, no slower. Also, he can only rewind an object's status back to a state it was in 3 minutes earlier at the maximum. [b]Arms:[/b] When Pitambara is angry, he can grow 2 more pairs of arms, one pair above and one below his preexisting arms. These arms are functionally and aesthetically identical to his normal arms, but 6 hands are better than 2. [color=orange][b]Biography: [/b][/color] Pitambara is a spirit quick to anger, but essentially good at heart. In past times, he dealt with demons by punching them and fixing any resulting damage with his powers. As time has gone on, he has found that being deemed acceptable less and less often, and the demons have gotten crafty by gaining power through offering deals to mortals, and you can't just punch a mortal to make the problem leave, because the demon would still have the soul. After pondering over this problem for a couple decades, Pitambara decided that the best way to fix this problem would be to fight fire with fire. He would find a good soul to bestow a measure of his power to and then punch demons indirectly through his contracted. Unfortunately, he found that he still had to own the soul of those he contracted, but that was a bridge he would cross when he got to it. Being a millenia old spirit, Pitambara still hasn't completely acclimated to modern life. [color=orange][b]Extra:[/b][/color] [/hider]