[quote=@Iliana] [hider=snip] This isn't a recommendation for improvements on the site's settings but an observation that I'd like to share in hopes that it will be acknowledged and taken into consideration. Before I came across Roleplayer Guild years ago -- and yeah, I'll admit that this is an alt account -- I noticed one recurrent theme here and it's its lack of community. During a hiatus I unexpectedly took a few weeks ago, I discovered another site on it and I love it for what it is but Roleplayer Guild was the first official forum I'd come across (since the ones my friends from high school made just died from lack of activity and scheduling) and it became like a second home. It's not difficult to see that the vast majority of its users are very divided and haughty. I don't know why that is but I don't feel like I'm the only one. I see a lot of people attacking one another and that's so common on here and very off-putting. Not to mention, it's really pathetic. Yeah, it's the internet, petty fights happen and because of so many users, we're bound to clash but come on. Aside from that, I see a lot of users get away with tons of things namely speaking on NSFW (not just looking at the 1X1 department) and it being out in the open, ignorant to the fact that there are underage users on here; I'm not a minor myself but how visible it is, is just disappointing for me and I'm sure for the rest of us who are not on about that. I'm sure there's more to that but that's the first one that came to mind. I see a lot of potential for Roleplayer Guild but a huge part of me wishes it had another Guildfall, to be brutally honest. There's a lot of improvements that could be made starting off with establishing (updating as well) and putting forth-front [i]the rules[/i] and giving this place a facelift that has a welcoming feel to it and not a barren one (this place is awesome, come on! :)). With all due respect to the staff and with their personal lives in mind: [i]Where are you guys?[/i] Where are you when you need to oversee what's going on and what can be improved? I know applications for staff members are open but regardless. The least important thing to work on are the site's additional settings and new features but rather what keeps it running (yes, money) but your site's members cooperation, authority, and [i]unity[/i]. Please don't take this as an attack to Roleplayer Guild but for what it is: a humble plea. [/hider] [/quote] The guild lost a lot from guildfall. Lots of people simply never came back or never moved past it. Seven years is a lot of time and community to suddenly vanish, and it takes time for a sense of incumbency to re-emerge. After all, the guild suffered a hard reset and then endured a year on a shaky platform that I then rebuilt this year. Now things are coming together. As far as rules go, I created the guild to be a place with few of them. It's the crux of my ethos and the laissez faire spirit of the guild. Maybe there's an above-average level of in-fighting going on lately. I don't know, you're the first to point it out. I think that a "Report Post" button that lowers the barrier for users to summon help will address some of this which will in turn help me get a better reading of the kind of interpersonal problems people are having on the guild. I appreciate the feedback. You say that you don't have any answers, but neither do I. The guild is always growing over time and tends to work things out on its own. Some people don't like it, but more do, thus net growth. :lol