"Are you?" Radon grunted. He rubbed out his scorched hand and took slow steps toward the table. He never took his eyes off the droid that had crashed his little party. As he did so he began to laugh. Just a little at first, but soon it was a full blown cackle. The Selkath finally caught his breath and sighed. He picked the knife back up off the table. "You want a fight, M4RQU-15?" he asked, "What makes you think I am going to give you one? Look at you so prepared. I don't remember giving you such sense of humor. I don't remember giving you such rudeness either. I was in the middle of something, can't you see?" Seeing that his old droid was going all or nothing and that there was no feasible means of escape for him now, he continued to toy with the edge of the blade. He took a step or two backward. Edging closer to his victims. "You know these these thieves of mine? No? Okay," he shrugged. With a snap he twisted around and shot his knife hand out. It crunched into taught flesh. Quin's breath stuck in her throat with a sick gurgle as the knife was plunged into her stomach all the way to the hilt. "Okay!" Radon held his hands out, leaving the knife stuck in place, "Last one done! The rest will bleed to death on their own soon. That one is already dead, I'm thinking," he pointed to Iisska, "So. You want a fight?" Radon undid the buttons on his white dress shirt, quickly. Glints of metal began to show up on the skin it exposed. The shirt fell to the floor and Radon took up a more relaxed fighting stance than his foe. Sprawled across his body were massive cybernetic enhancements. The artificial muscles made up the entirety of his chest, dove into his arms and wound down his back. They were covered by artificial skin from the top of the bicep down. He rolled his neck out. "I will humor you. Let us see if I remember exactly how you are put together, insolent little droid," the Selkath hummed. Marquis was the first to charge, closing the gap between them and taking the first few punches, missing the first three punches to his stomach, but connecting with the forth in Radon's muzzle as well as a follow up to stagger him backwards. He didn't give his foe any time to recover as he moved in to continue the assault. Radon reeled from the first onslaught, but managed to get his hands up between himself and his attacker. He waited for an opening, allowing the cybernetics to absorb the impacts and then lashed out. His own punch connected with Marquis' throat. Metal on metal. He ducked in lower and slammed his shoulder upward into the droid's chest. Marquis popped up in the air a bit and pushed off of Radon, giving him a few inches of breathing room. Radon hit hard, like a speeder with a heavy grill at high speed. But then again, so did he. Marquis went on the defensive as Radon approached, blocking the punches and double fisted slams that followed and switched combat styles, taking up a mixed stance and retaliating with hammering blows on Radon's arms and working footwork into the assault, aiming for Radon's weak legs. He wasn't going for anything vital, but instead was trying to slam his boot onto Radon's foot to impair him. A low blow caught him in the ankle and left him slamming into the floor. Radon hurried backward to a control panel trying to get up before Marquis could get to him. "Not bad!" he spat. With his foe on the ropes, Marquis started to close the gap, savoring the moment slightly before moving faster. Radon hooked his arm up on to the lip of the console and latched onto one of the levers there. He yanked it down and pulled himself to his feet with the same motion. Wicked arcs of electricity crackled, lit up the room and shot through Zen's body. Radon broke the lever off. "HHHAAA! YES! FEED MY RODIAN TACO HAH" Zen screamed as his body was practically starting to melt as the electricity fried him. Though he was dazed, Cheshik tilted his head in Iisska's direction. "I believe your apprentice has lost it." Ignoring the rantings of the clearly far gone Zen, Marquis closed the distance and threw a flurry of punches at the waiting Radon. Most of which he dodged, anticipating Marquis' attempts to take him out at the legs and distract him, it was then that Marquis grappled onto Radon and slammed his extremely durable forehead into Radon's before throwing him across the room. While he was flying, Marquis hit the console with the bottom of his fist, disabling the switch. Zen hung there as the bolts of electricity stopped, smoking and still laughing. Radon's world spun. He lurched to his feet only to fall to his hands and knees again. Beads of blood began to form where the mechanical mask bonded to his face. He snorted and wheezed. After a few more moments of dizzy fumbling he was able to pull himself up by one of the exposed pipelines on the wall. He gripped it tightly. Furious blue eyes threatened to burn holes into Marquis' skull. What started as a growl in his throat exploded into an enraged scream. His claws tightened around the pipe and wrenched it out of it's fastenings. Scalding hot water burst out of the breach and sprayed across the room and quickly formed puddles on the floor. Ignoring the heat and the sudden surge of steam, Radon wielded the long, jagged section of pipe as a weapon. He charged at Marquis. With the steam flooding the room, Marquis had a great deal of difficulty finding Radon. Within a few seconds he couldn't see the Selkath cyborg anymore, though that wouldn't last long as a metal pipe crashed down onto his shoulder, sending him down into the water for a moment before he recovered and stood. He disabled his optical sensor and transferred power to his hearing, listening for the splashing. It was subtle and barely audible, but he heard Radon approach from behind. He caught the pipe with one hand, reigniting his eye and held out his right hand to Radon's face. The hand flipped backward and searing flame from the welding tool shot out, scalding Radon's face and eye, disarming him as well. Anguished, digitized screams followed the spray of fire. Thexys tossed backward, blinded. His face was in both hands as he ducked further into the steam now looking for the door. He found the wall and skirted it until he located the locking mechanism. With an angry growl he forced it open and stumbled into the hall, tripping over the bodies of his men. Marquis was right behind him, stepping through the door and politely over the bodies as Radon limped away. He kept an even pace, staying just slightly faster than his terrified former master in front of him. During the stumble down the hall, Radon tripped and fell to the ground, but could not get up in time. Marquis grabbed him by the nape of his neck, digging his fingers into Radon's flesh to grip the metal and started to drag him backwards. He picked him up and slammed him face first into the metal wall once, twice, and a third time before throwing him to the ground. He stepped onto the Selkath's body and placed a boot on his neck. The once powerful tyrant of Nar Shaddaa writhed underfoot, hissing and clawing at Marquis' leg. He struggled to push him off with all his strength. The artificial voicebox and trachea were starting to creak under the weight. He let a hand loose to search for a weapon, something, anything that may be on the ground near by. His fingertips brushed against the utility belt on one of the corpses. As Radon tried to grasp at what few straws he had left, Marquis knelt down to Radon's level, the luminous scarlet of Marquis' eye illuminating Radon's petrified face. Marquis' welding tool sparked up again and lit up both of their faces in a brilliant blue hue. "This is for the hundreds of innocents you had me murder." "Heh," blood misted from the vents in Radon's mask as he spoke, "What are they-- do with your revenge? They're dead. You won't undo your actions." "I do not need to undo anything. Their spirits will smile knowing you died a horrible, deserving, death. Go with grace, demon." He jammed the fire of the welding torch into Radon's last good eye, piercing into his skull.