[Hider="Fire and ice are equals,if one is thrown out of balance than the other is"] Name:jack mills Gender:male Age:12 Appearance: brown hair,heterochromic eye(left red,right blue)black shirt and blue shoes Weapons Moltimace-a large war hammer that can send waves of magma that disperse when they hit something, Abilities: Pyrokinesis:jack can manipulate and create fire(depending on the temperature) Ningokinesis:jack can manipulate and create snow(depending on the temperature) Biography: One year ago---(jack at age 11) Jack lived a good life,he had the best friends and much more,however: his life also had a bad side to it.At school most of the kids treated him like dirt and they even broke his arm,this all changed one day when someone had taken things to far. Jack and his two friends were messing around at his house when the ones who hated him showed up and started pushing them around,his family wasn't there to intervene So they were left to defend themselves,eventually things got out of hand and jack was shoved into the road,he had tried to get up but before he could a truck came straight at him Jack woke up the next day at the hospital with a respirator hooked into his lung,the doctors said he was lucky and that his right lung wasn't damaged,however there was something they wouldn't tell him:his lung wasn't damaged severely but it would only get worse,jack lived his life for the next year but the damage to his lung became worse:he eventually would run out of breath quicker and inhaling became more of a challenge to him PRESENT Jack is hooked up to a respirator,a heart monitor and an IV pack,the doctors stepped out of the room for a minute and jack slipped into a coma,it was then that he seen a strange white figure,this figure stated that he would give jack his life back,jack than woke up feeling as if he was reborn,he torn off all the machines and stood up,when the doctors stepped back in they were baffled to see a boy with a failing lung all of a sudden standing up and walking as if they had the energy of a sled dog, Extra Theme song:nuclear by mike olefield Molitmace is a deep scarlet colored warhammer with massive magma colored cracks branching out from the blunt sides(the sides that hit) Hailsickle is a frosty indigo colored scythe that could put out an inferno [/hider] [hider=Kra'alisk] Kra'alisk Age:978 Gender:male Weapons:Molitmace and hailsickle(in jacks possession) Demon type:greater demon Abilities: Pyrokinesis Ningokinesis Bio(details n' stuff :3 ) He is a tall Snow White figure with red and blue eyes just like jack,he sees jack like a son and respects him in every way,he is very calm and clever but knows when to get serious Extras: NONE[/hider]