Voira was perfectly willing just to let the human go. If he wanted to get killed by his own actions, it was no problem with her. He had already caused more injuries than all the enemies combined. Raa, however, was not and seemed intent upon both giving up her Medi-gel and following him. The Asari couldn't allow her to do either. Voira sat next to the Quarian, hugging her gently. "The Cabalists and Avatar can go after him. Solares too, if he likes. You're going to stay here and recover, and then we'll go. We'll get medi-gel from whoever we can." She was quiet for a moment, then spoke with a gentleness most people wouldn't have expected the fiery and aggressive Asari to possess. "You're going to be okay Raa. You helped save the Turian's life, and the medic will make sure she makes it. You're going to get through this, it's normal to feel numb after so much death." She didn't add that she had long since gotten used to seeing it and was abnormal in that regard as well. She released Raa with only one arm, using the other to untie the blanket tied around her shoulder. "While we clean you up as much as possible, tell us the schematics for the Yasis, serial 4505, Class C ships. Like the one your grandfather worked on with Devryn for Tevura." The baby blanket was in surprisingly clean, and Voira fully planned on ruining it. She began to wipe the blood off of Raa, one arm still hugging her.