Okay [@Hansa], this is my final CS, unless you think there's anything that should be changed. [hider=Hercules] [b]Alias:[/b] Hercules [b]Real name:[/b] Cesar Parma [b]Age:[/b] 22 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Appearance:[/b] Physically, he’s an average guy. You wouldn’t look at him twice if you see him in the street. He’s 1,82 meters tall and weighs 68 Kg. His brown hair is short and straight, and other than his eyebrows, he has no facial hair. His eyes are brown, as well as the very distinctive mole that sits on the left side of his pointy little nose. That mole is perhaps the only distinctive thing about his face. His lips are a little bit too thin and he tries to keep then together as much as he can, because he has braces and he doesn’t like them. He’s not muscular at all, he’s rather skinny, which makes him more flexible and agile than strong. While in his human form, he wears a shirt and a pair of jeans. Every time he transform into one of the gods, he also adopts their clothes. These usually consist of a light chest armor, a sort of roman skirt and a couple of sandals. He doesn’t have a costume or a suit. Whenever he feels in the mood to fight crime, he just calls in for Apolo. He doesn’t have any special power, but Cesar use him as a kind of disguise to make everyone think that that is his actual human form. [b]Personality:[/b] He tries to keep it low profile, though sometimes he just can’t control himself when it comes to people being mean with others. He does not want anyone to discover his secret identity, that’s why he hasn’t told anyone about it. In order to maintain a low profile, he acts shy and unfriendly. He has an already existing group of friends, so he doesn’t want to make any new ones. When it comes to talking to stranger, he thinks that the lesser the better. That way, he has created a character that is very unlikely to hide a heroic personality under it. With his friends he’s different. He’s more joyful, warm and talkative. His parents died, so his friends and his sister are all he’s got left, and he cares about them more than anything in his life. Short Biography: Cesar was born in Rome. But when he was nine, they parents had to leave Italy due to some problems Cesar had never truly understood. They went to the United States, were they kept on with their lives. The night his parents died, when he was 18, he had the weirdest dream ever and knew about their deaths before anyone told him. They had flown all the way to New Skywell for some business. In his dream, his mother told him that everyone would tell him that they had died in a car accident, but that he shouldn’t believe them. They had been murdered because of a secret her mother had carried with her since the passing of her father, Cesar grandfather. Now that she had died, the secret belonged to him, his firstborn. She also told him that he would start to experience some strange things going around with both, his body and mind. That she wouldn’t be able to explain it to him, but the gods would. That she loved him and was going to miss him, and that he should take care of her sister, by that time of 16 years. A couple of weeks later, while the wound was still fresh, he had another dream. This time he wasn’t speaking to his mother, but to the roman gods. They explain him that he was kind of the descendant of the gods themselves. And told him all they could about his abilities and how to control them. They told him he was to guard the future of human kind and that he was, since the creation of the ones of his kind, the most important guard, since the humans were sunken in the darkest of ages. That was why he would receive the name of Hercules, the most important guard of the gods. [b]Powers, Skills & Equipment:[/b] He can embody any of the Roman gods. Each time he does, his appearance chance to one that fits the God’s human appearance and he gains a particular power depending on which god he “becomes”. When he is Jupiter, he can control and create electric charges with his hands. When he is Neptune, he can swim faster than any human being, he can breathe under water and control any already-existing amount of it. While being Pluto, he can reanimate and control the dead. He doesn’t like this god very much because he thinks his powers are not like the ones a superhero should have, but he can use them in case he absolutely has to. When he is Venus, he becomes the most beautiful woman ever, being able to seduce anyone he wants, he can also make anyone fall in love with anyone. When he is Cupid, he becomes an excellent marksman. If he becomes Mercury, he can run around the 300 Km/h. When he is Mars, he becomes an expert in both, close-ranged weapons and unarmed fight. While being Vulcan, he can create and extinct fire with his bare hands. When he’s Janus, he can open any door or gate. When he’s Fortuna, he just gets lucky in any kind of competition or game. When he is Lupa, he gains the ability to shape shift into an immortal wolf. Weaknesses: Every transformation takes some precious seconds that sometimes he just cannot afford to lose. He has also a huge variety of powers, but none of them are very powerful. [hider=Full Biography] Cesar was born in Rome, on the night of the 12 of December of 1992. His father worked as an ancient history professor in the University of Rome, and her mother was a doctor who had the weirdest work hours ever. Throughout his childhood, he has no recollection of spending time with his parents outside his house. When he was two years old, his sister Martina was born. They grew up together and are really attached to each other. One night, when Cesar was nine, his father arrived at his home and started packing. He gave no explanations to Cesar or his sister, got them in the car and drove directly to the airport, stopping only to pick up a strange woman from the hospital his mother worked in. They also stopped in a badly illuminated alley were his father told them to switch cars with the one that was parked in front of theirs and wait to their mother in there. They did. A couple of seconds later, his father drove off and his mother opened the front door of the car and sat to the wheel. During the time they traveled, their mother told them that they were going to move to the USA, that something she could not explained had happened and that if by any chance they were to see their father in the airport, they should act as if they didn’t know him. Almost a day after they had left their home, they arrived at Grimmarch. They met with his father and started a new life there. He had a little trouble adapting to this new life. Partly because of the language, partly because of the culture, but mostly because he missed his old friends. When he was fourteen, he met Sam, his new best friend. He introduced him to Sarah and Lisa. The four of them became friends and have been very close from that day on. From that day on, his life went just like any other adolescent life. With its ups and downs, but nothing out of the ordinary. Until one night of August, when he was 18. His parents had flown to New Skywell and he had been left in charge of the house and his sister, even though she was big enough to take care of herself. During that night, he had a dream. He dreamed with his mother. She told him that people would tell him that they had died in a car accident. That he shouldn’t believe them. That they had been murder and that one day that people who murder them would come after him. She said she didn’t have much time. That she loved him and that she will miss him. That she hoped he could bear the responsibility she had just left him, and that she was sorry about it. “Don’t worry, the gods will guide you…” He woke up to the sound of the ringing phone. It was the police department of New Skywell. They told him his parents had died in a car accident that night. He didn’t cried about it, because he had already cried in his dreams and because he needed to be strong for Martina. The following weeks were hell for them. Luckily, they both had great groups of friends that supported them and took turns to look after them. Exactly 24 nights after his parents’ death, Cesar had another weird dream. This time it wasn’t his mother who visited him; this time was Mercury who did. Not the planet but the roman god and messenger of the gods. He said he had a message from Jupiter. “We’ll explain everything to you, kid, don’t worry. You’ll just have to be patient. And I’m sorry about your parents, I really am. I really liked your mother.” He was speaking Latin, and even though Cesar didn’t speak it, he was able to understand him perfectly. That day he wasn’t capable to focus in anything else. He usually wasn’t able to remember his dreams, but this one he remember to perfection, every last bit of it. When he went to sleep that night, he was sure that he was going to have another dream of the sort. But nothing happened, and it kept like that for exactly 23 more days. He had almost forgotten about the gods when he suddenly had a dream. He was in the middle of circle of people. But when he took a better look at them, he saw Mercury. One of the men stepped forward and said to him: “Greetings young human. My name is Jupiter. I believe you already know who we are. What you probably do not know is who you are. You are part of a very long chain of guardians of the earth. Your mother was one; your grandfather was one, and so on until the very begging of our civilization. Each guardian has a very strong power hidden inside, that will only be freed with his progenitor death. Your mother’s death had freed yours, and so is our responsibility to teach you how to use them. What you do with them is not our problem. Although we believe that you will use them wisely, given that you are a descendant of the very first of the guardians. I know it might sound confusing, but you must try to understand. You’ll be granted with the power to invoke a human form of ourselves into your body. Every time you do it, you’ll change your physiology and gain certain powers that you’ll be able to use as you please. To do so, you’ll just have to try to fill your body with the desire of being one of us. It’s not easy to do. It usually takes between a week and ten days to conquer the ability. You must also take into account that the people who killed your parents will be also willing to kill you and your sister. Luckily for you, your mother did a great job covering up the fact that she had two children. But they are not stupid, as soon as you start acting, they’ll realize who you are and will try to kill you and anyone you care. That’s why we advise you to protect your real identity and use one of use when you are using your powers. That way, anyone you care for will be safe. Go now, kid. Try to take all this in and start exploring your powers. Oh, and one more thing. Since this is the darkest of ages since the one of your kind were created, you’ll we granted the name of Hercules among your equals, the most important guard ever, and my very own son.” It took him a couple of days to convince himself of what he has been through. Once he did, he started trying to invoke the gods, just like Jupiter had told him. And the seventh they had passed and nothing had happened at all. He started to get worried. Perhaps, he wasn’t worthy. He became trouble about the fact that perhaps he wouldn’t be able to use his powers, or perhaps that everything had been nothing but a dream. Or even worse, perhaps he was going crazy. And that was when he really started wishing to transform into one of the gods. He couldn’t afford to go crazy because he had his sister to look after. If he went crazy, what would become of her? Without even noticing it, he suddenly felt a rage going up and down his body and when he opened his eyes, he wasn’t himself anymore. He was wearing a golden armor that was as light as silk, a roman skirt that made him feel a little ridiculous and a couple of sandals that were actually really nice. When he looked in a mirror, he didn’t see himself, but a very handsome young man who starred back at him. He was taller, more muscular and felt much more athletic than he had ever done in his life. The sound of a slamming door took him out of his reverie. His sister had just arrived home, and he couldn’t let her see him like that. So he tried to transform back into himself. But he couldn’t do so. Full with fear, he climb down the window as his sister entered his empty room looking for him. He ended up in an alleyway, and with that costume, he wasn’t going to go unnoticed. When he was about to come out of the alley, he run into a three guys who started laughing at him because of what he was wearing. He tried to keep walking but they corner him into the alley and started making fun of him. He pushed of them away and the guy landed quite farther than he actually thought he would. Suddenly, one of them tried to punch him in the face, and he, out the blue, blocked the punch and started fighting the three guys at the same time. It took him a couple of seconds to have the three guys lying unconscious in the floor. He left the alley, shook at what he had done and started walking back to his home. The street was deserted, and when he arrived at his house, he realized that somewhere in the way he had become himself again, and thanked the gods that nobody was there to see him. That night was Mars, the god of war, who talked to him in his dreams: “I’m glad that you had picked me at your first “call-in”. As you might have learned, when you do, you’ll become some kind of an expert in every kind of close ranged combat, both armed and unarmed. You might also have noticed that every god has a connection to a different state of mind. That’s what you should use in order to “call-in” each one of us. With the time you’ll learn to control it. By now, you should keep in mind that you have to be really careful about this responsibility. The others will like to explain you about his powers now.” And so they did. They also advised him to “call-in” Apollo every time he wanted to use his powers. This will make everyone think that his real identity was Apollo’s. He should only make sure not to be seen in Apollo’s form around his friends and relatives. It took him more or less four months to fully understand and control his powers and his transformations. Each time he wanted to call-in a god, he had to concentrate in a specific state of mind. And every time he transformed, he would experience a different sensation. With Jupiter was like an electric buzz that ran all over his body. With Vulcan was like an inner fire that grew from his core. With Pluto was like the hollow emptiness of death… He came to like more some gods than others. While Jupiter, Neptune and Mars are among his favorites, Pluto, Janus and Fortuna are the ones that he calls-in the least. Nowadays, at the age of 22 he has committed himself almost completely to the fight against evil. His parents left him and her sister a lot of money, really, a lot. As it seems, his mother wasn’t as reluctant as Cesar is about using Fortuna’s form to win money from the casinos. So he doesn’t really has to work, he just do it to avoid any type of suspicions. He works as a writer, which has very flexible hours and can be done from the comfort of his precious bed. Mostly he writes sci-fi novels, and the occasional novel about roman gods and some kind of human-kind-protector. Two times a week he meets with Sam, Sarah and Lisa to have some beers and spend some time together. He also separates some time of the week to spend with his sister. All the time he’s not doing any of these activities or sleeping, he uses to fight evil. [/hider] [b]Fun facts:[/b] Once, he had been in love with a friend for two years when he realized she wasn’t into guys. So he took the form of Venus and seduced her to have sex with him, or her. Best night ever… He loves spaghetti, but the real ones, not that excuse you guys dare to call spaghetti. [/hider]