[hider=Valis] Name: Valis (Vaw-lee) Race: Centaur (sheep based) Sex: Female Age: 23 Class/Job: Druid/Traveler Description: Being a sort of subspecies of centaur, she only stands at about six feet tall, and her wool is perfect for colder climates. [img]http://oi60.tinypic.com/2ps3wk0.jpg[/img] Biography: Growing up in a small village, Valis always wanted to travel and discover all the secrets the world has to offer. As a lamb, she showed great interest and potential in both healing arts and magic. This caught the attention of an old Druid centaur, and he decided to teach the younger his ways, Valis was taught of the ways of nature, as well some thrown in philosophy and stories of Druidism. Upon reaching adulthood, she finally proved herself worthy for her mentor and was given permission to travel freely. He hoped that Valis would learn more in with more hands on training in the outside world. Along her journey, she tries to help as many people could to the best of her ability. Most of the time she works as a traveling healer to villages and towns, using homemade remedies found in nature. She also manages to work in some minor tailoring, or rather making warm clothes and blankets from her own wool, often to be given to those who need them. With no destination, she travels wherever the wind takes her, and just so happened to be heading to a small village in Itari. Possessions: -Seble, her sugar glider animal companion. [hider=Seble][IMG]http://i57.tinypic.com/1zn0cqx.jpg[/IMG][/hider] -Sadle bag where she carries supplies needed for travel -herbs and other sorts of plants for medicinal purposes -pestle and mortar for grinding up said medicines -Knitting needles -A wooden cane, ironically similar to that of what a shepherd would wield, mostly used as a walking stick, but as a last resort could be a weapon (she’s not too fond of violence). -Simple cloth poncho top as she’s easily overheated Demeanor: Being a caring and endearing person, Valis kind to anyone and everyone she meets. She is protective of those who cannot protect themselves, acting similar to that of a den mother. Valis sees the best in people as well situations, and often tries to get others to see it as well. She's compassionate and a born listener, meaning she's eager to hear the woes of a complete stranger. One of the downsides of her friendliness is she can't say no, as well tends to forget about taking care of her own herself. She’s also not the smartest of the bunch, being rather gullible, and often not one to understand sarcasm. [/hider]