[color=00746b][b][h3]Hero Sura Lightkeep[/h3][/b][/color] Hero watched and commanded his bustling kitchen rushed to make the meals of today's feast. This place, right here, the kitchen. He was raised here, and it felt nice and homely, even if it was hot and noisy. Today it was especially all of those things, as Sir Jaime had done well in a recent battle. Hero held no objections to holding a celebration for the Knight, though he did wish that it had coincided a bit better with his plans. He had to make and deliver Spoony her rolls, soon. They were about half-way through the Eel puree, something a bit new to Hero, but he was sure everyone would love it. Still, his workers hadn't prepared this dish much, and needed proper direction. So he spent a bit of time directing his subordinates directly. Once there was a particularly easy or waiting heavy part of the dish, he began working on the rolls. When the rolls were finished, the hearth of course started by Hero's breath, Hero placed them on an unused platter, and began his trek for Spoony's workshop On his way there, he noticed a member of the Kingsguard and- of course. It was him, that guard from last night again. It seemed to two of them were talking, and far be it from Hero to interupt them. He simply tried to ignore the two of them, though his vision did linger on the younger of the two for a small bit.