Brielle watched them walk away for a minute before exhaling. Her heart was racing and she just realized that her hands were shaking. She hasn't noticed until they were gone but she had been terrified. After all what if they hadn't listened to her? What if they had decided to jump her right there. She all too easily could have just died. The thought made her head spin. She quickly shook her head, "Stop it!" She muttered to herself. "You're not dead. You're fine and you need to keep moving." As she walked back to West she thought about it and realized there would be plenty more stupid and desperate people that she would have to deal with in this game. People in this world were just as much of a threat as any of the creatures. She put her smile back on her face as she stood before West. "It's all right. I understand. It's harder dealing with people than it is dealing with pixels," she assured him gently taking her staff from his hands, trying to make her own hands stop shaking. "I'm sorry that I got you dragged into that. I'll work harder on keeping a low profile." She took a few steps, "So let's carry on then. We need to get to work after all," she said cheerfully. She was suddenly looking forward to this dungeon. She was looking forward to a straightforward battle where she could simply attack with no consequences. She wanted to demolish an array of creatures that would evaporate to nothing and meant nothing. Because thinking about the gravity of human life in this game made her feel sick.