As Dominic stepped out from his shuttle he looked around him and examined the crowded landing platform [i]Well...least assembly areas stay the same.[/i] he thought as he and the rest of his shuttle started to mingle into the large group of students. [i]Now all I got to do is figure out where I need to go...[/i] he thought as he tapped the shoulder of the closest person. "Hey buddy can you tell me whats going on here?" he asked as the figure turned around and looked at him. after a second of thinking the person shrugged and with a frown apologized for not being able to help. Slowly Dominic walked through the mob of students. stopping once to get out a data slate. after connecting an ear bud to the slate and pressing a few buttons an image of a long blonde haired woman wearing a Camo Uniform and ballistic vest appeared on the slate. "Lia any idea where I'm supposed to report to?" he asks slightly annoyed. He had been hustled aboard the shuttle so quick he wasn't told what he was supposed to do after the shuttle landed. With a frown the AI scratched her head "Sorry Hun, I don't have access to anything other than the info required to get you here, though from what I have gathered some one was supposed to tell prior to landing...obviously they didn't.. I suggest trying to find some one...though thats easier said than done.." she said as she placed her hands on her hips "Sorry Dom" she said again as the screen once again went dark. With a frustrated sigh he looked around, he kind of stood out considering he must have been one of the older students there. Coupled with his height he stood at least a head over most of the average heights.