[hr][h1][i][color=Dodgerblue]Lihua Vuhong[/color][/i][/h1][sub][@Spoopy Scary][/sub][hr] Lihua Vuhong was always one to be on time. And dates were no exception. Right when she stepped through the doors of the Cafe, she didn't see Baron at all. That was unfortunate. Lihua found herself a seat all the way in the back, where she'd be a bit harder to discern from the other costumers. She didn't have to worry too much about people listening in on her, and her conversations, with all the chatter making one particular conversation indiscernible from another - because it'd be outright foolish to talk about NEST matters in a public setting. It'd just be jeopardizing her job for no reason. However, with her change of attire, it'd be harder for one to get the idea that she's with NEST. In fact, since she swapped out her pinstriped business suit, for a [url=http://www.peacefulpeople.com/media/catalog/product/cache/1/image/9df78eab33525d08d6e5fb8d27136e95/w/h/wholesale_white_tank_sun_dress_with_elastic_top_tie_dye_blank.jpg]white sun dress[/url], and a matching [url=http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/img-thing?.out=jpg&size=l&tid=32771708]sun hat[/url] (Which, unfortunately, showed some of the scars on her arms), along with [url=http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/img-thing?.out=jpg&size=l&tid=83473659]wedge heeled sandals[/url]. She looked less like a detective for NEST, and more like a woman on a date. Though, it was a little funny wearing this dress. In China, this would double as a funeral dress. It made her grin. Though, after a few minutes, Baron hadn't arrived yet. Fortunately, she was patient enough to wait for ages. Distracting herself helped. She leaned in, putting her elbows on the table, and whipped out her iPhone (Which had a white phone case). She scrolled through her text conversation last night with Meifeng, and Mika - damn those children. Two of her nieces decide to come to Verthaven and have a big ball with Meifeng, without telling her? Though, she sensed that something was very wrong with the story. There were holes in the story that Lihua couldn't ignore. She'll probe into it later. Her eyes had slid towards the door. Her date has arrived. Baron Moreau. Stepping into the building.... not with any particular swagger or grace. A bad leg tends to do that to you. At least he was classy enough to wear a dress suit. She grinned, almost like they were overdressed for a simple date at the cafe. Lihua put her phone back into her purse (which was in the seat [i]right[/i] next to her - she had a concealed firearm in there, she needed to keep it close). She put her arms on the table, and folded her fingers. Which meant there were no distractions, only herself and Mr. Moreau. "Ahhhhhhhh, you made it, Mr. Moreau," Lihua started off, a warm, half-smile, found it's way onto her face, still using the name that was [i]apparently fake[/i]. Because [i]what[/i] else is she supposed to call him? "The atmosphere is lovely, isn't it? It's the thing attracts people here in the first place." Lihua, with one hand, grabbed the handle of her coffee cup, and took a sip of it. "You're looking good today. I do like your suit." She said, completely honest. "Also, I'd like my files back, thank you." [hr][h1][i]Sulfur[/i][/h1][sub][@Spoopy Scary][/sub][hr] Fuck. Sulfur's attempt to get back at this damn city for what they did to Long Dragon just pissed off [i]even more[/i] people. She didn't need to even look to tell that there was a horde of angry law enforcement officers right on her tail. She didn't know if she could outrun any of them - especially the Metahumans. She turned tail, but quickly spawned another glob of her toxic substance, and quickly spun around her and threw it out in drops. Inaccurate, but would certainly hit plenty of metal objects. That'd at least slow down the NEST march. Right when she reached the fire escape, one of the Fiends - one that she didn't recognize, but when a couple dozen police officers out for your blood are chasing you - climbed up the fire escape, saying, “'ey boss!” He yelled in his best school dropout loser voice. “I found me a good escape over 'long this way! We can lose the fuzz!” "Then let's fucking go!" Sulfur shouted at the random Fiend at the top of her lungs, and she didn't stop for a moment to question it. Her legs moved fast as they could til they brought her to the bottom of the fire escape. The second her boots hit the ground, she created another orb of her black substance, and whipped around and threw it right at the fire escape. Turning it into a cloud of toxic yellow gas that quickly went in all directions. That'd slow them down a bit. Sulfur turned and hauled ass after the Fiend, and prayed that they wouldn't catch up.