Sorichiro laughed. "I suppose cruelty is good, and all, but cunning and smarts is my thing. I mean, playing mind games and whatnot. It's fun, to see people get so confused. Like a cat playing with a mouse before it eats it. That sort of fun." He smiled at Derg understandingly. He knew the kind of thrills he probably experinced when trouble making. Suddenly he felt a buzz behind his ear. "Give me a sec." He put his finger to his earpiece. The police never noticed it. That was how he stayed in contact with his friends from the mob. "This is Sorichiro Oda, reporting for duty. Xaiver? Hey man! How are ya? What, we're back? The White tigers are back? That's epic. What's the buzz man? Oh not them! They took what? But that's our best bit of turf! Ah, I see. The little peace of heven, in Dublin, right? Good. So we're getting that in return. Give me twenty minutes. Over and out." He raised his eyebrows. "As it seems I have business to attend to." He patted Derg on the back and raised his right hand. "Later man!" He ran out of the door, smoothing out his tie.