Well here yah go, hope its fine [hider] Name: Yalnela " Yemoc" Kachitlnemoc Race: Demon Gender: Female Appearance: http://www.deviantart.com/art/Cursed-Oracle-506596966 Backstory: Sweat glistened on Yalnela's furrowed brow, her eyes gleamed with a certain intensity. It seemed the world weighed on her shoulders as she stared at the ornate cross shaped board which lay in front of her. Upon it lay thirty two stone pieces, half black and half white. "Silly girl, you think yourself equal to me, even in this pathetic game of humans? I shall enjoy your soul, it will be a tasty morsel" said her opponent. He sat opposite her, with his obsidian black skin, bat like features. Giant leathery wings covered him , enfolding him like a cloak. From within his purple eyes she could see power beyond her ken. She knew that she was nothing but a flea to him. Yet she knew that resistance was futile. Yet even in the face of this truth she strained against his domination. The dark demon picked up a piece on the board, white, moving it with deftness not expected from his large talons. With an almost disdainful flick of his wrist he knocked away one her pieces. "It is entertaining to see you try, amusing to say the least, and entertaining?" The demon's words clawed at her self control, begged her to lash out and put the ompus prick in his place. But with effort and strength of will she persevered. She knew what it was the demon was trying to do. Yalnela had seen him do this to many a demon in the past. Now however this knowledge would be her power. With a deep breath she took a hold of a piece and moved across a few paces on the board. It seemed as if she was fleeing from the dark demon's onslaught. The young Lord Zaelos Cacogothra was a cruel and cunning master, who relished the torment of his servants. It seemed that he had succeeded in breaking yet another servant of his. As Lord Zaelos made his move, Yalnela began to tremble in fear, bringing a smile to the demon's maw. Rows of razor fangs peeked out from beneah his lips, a fork tongue lapping the air for the taste of fear. " Dear Yalnela, worry not I will ensure your suffering will be specially prolonged, I will personally see to it that your soul is wrung dry with pain." he said as he cackled with glee. Yalnela sat upon the stone chair with her head bowed, the time had come. After this she could never go back. She knew the consequences of her actions would fall not just herself but her entire clan. Enslaved they would be powerless against the rage of the Cacogothra. However they would still survive, for they still relied on the contract magic of her family. Even in the face of dire odds her heart beat with a steady rhythm, confident in the truth. She knew that she had to gain freedom. The pain caused to her clan was a sacrifice made to a future promise of rescue from the clutches of the Cacogothra clan. With this a new surety filled her mind. The trembling fled her body replaced with a rock steady posture. As she looked up she saw the scowl of marring the Lord's hideous face. The fool had finally smelled the rot in the entire situation. He did not know that their was no better player of the game in all of hell. That he had lost even before he had even started the game. For the first time he felt fear. He found it lurking in the crooked smile forming on the demoness' face. Yalnela moved a piece from the corner of the board straight to the other, a piece she had positioned an age ahead for this very moment. The lord had forgotten about it, and in that moment he had lost the game. "Checkmate" she said, her voice filling the town hall with a final echo. In front of her the Lord had the slack jawed look of the dumb. It took him sometime to realize what had happened. As he leapt forward to tear out the young demoness heart, a sickly green light erupted in the space between them. The light froze them both in place, one suspended in air, the other falling back in fear . Letters sparng out of the light black as night, yet glowing with embers of red. The letters ,moved, danced around the demons in a loose circle. Quickly the began to coalcse into words, then setences and paragraphs. It was the contract Yalnela had made between the Lord and herself. A gamble between her soul and freedom as well as a morsel of the lords own power. Some of the words coalesced into another contract, froming into a chain connecting Yalnela to Zaelos. The contract that still made her his slave, bound her to his will. But now it decayed, and died burning like smoldering paper. Then with blast of power as the contract settled on them, this time stealing strenght from the demon lord and feeding it to the younger demoness. The power of the contract flungthem to opposite sides of the room. The light faded as the contract completed with two figures haphazardly sprawled across the room. Yalnela was the first to wake, struck with the better part of the deal. She quickly turned to flee, no sane person would like to stand in the same room with a wrathful demon of Zaelos' caliber. She had one last look on the fallen figure of the demon lord. [i]One day, I will return. Then you will know despair. It will be I who wil feast on your soul, not you. [/i] [/hider]