Tensions were definitely high amongst the group. Mixed emotions combined with the confusion they all felt would eventually lead to quite a few issues, not that there weren't already some. Johnathan almost gone mad for a moment there but, fortunately, Dai managed to calm him down, much to Kazuo's appreciation. Saito, Shinku, and Gruffydd - he remembered his classmates' names from the roll call - were already dead set in rescuing Sasaki, which Kazuo agrees with, but to go off alone would be quite the foolish thing to do at the moment. Kazuo walks over to them and explained that they needed to keep a cool head, especially considering the circumstances. Once everyone is ready to leave, they'll do it as a group. He then made his way over to Jonathan and Dai. He nodded at Jonathan and gave him a confident smile then thanked Dai for helping calm Johnathan down. There were still five students that had yet to woke: Ito, Toshiro, Minto, Haruto, and Masako. He kneeled down to check for any visible injuries. Fortunately, there were none he could see. Whether that's a different story when they finally wake will be dealt with later but, considering the physical state of the others, it's pretty likely these five are fine too. Kazuo looked to the others and mentioned they all have something or another to defend themselves and suggested they go look for more weapons for the rest of the group. A few should stay back and watch the still-unconscious students though.