[center]Name: Vanessa Von Goshe (NPC) Age: 24 [hider=Appearance] [img]http://img12.deviantart.net/77f1/i/2015/156/c/f/uranus_by_noflutter-d7uqo8t.jpg[/img] [/hider] [hider=Personality] Seen in the public as a Mary Sue who can’t do anything wrong, Vanessa is the exact opposite when caught alone; often seen sneering at people of less social status than her. Unknowing to the public, she got to where she is with a sharp tongue and sharper form of manipulating those around her. Often the judges suck up to her and act as almost as her faithful minions, even when she doesn’t perform well; because she pays them off. [/hider] [hider=History] Vanessa is one of the top Pokémon Coordinators in the entire region, she grew up in a wealthy household that would pay off judges a large amount of money to get her where she is. Her father worked for team Galactic in Sinnoh but moved to this region when Vanessa was a child in order to lay low. She has her own human and Pokémon accessory line in high end boutiques. She has competed in countless coordination competitions and is known almost exclusively for being the most influential talent scout, whom will often run events to find the regions next top coordinator so that she knows who her competition is and what they and their Pokémon are capable of. *tie-in: She happens to be Fantasia Heirlooms biggest inspiration [/hider] [hider=Team] Shiny Milotic Shiny Empoleon Shiny Gardevoir Shiny Gallade Shiny Ninetails Shiny Lopunny [/hider][/center]