[hider=Tanner] [b][color=ed1c24]Name:[/color][/b] Tanner McNeil [b][color=ed1c24]Gender/Age:[/color][/b] Male, 18 [b][color=ed1c24]Appearance:[/color][/b] [img]http://i2.listal.com/image/3694991/600full-patrick-schwarzenegger.jpg[/img] [b][color=ed1c24]Weapon:[/color][/b] [hider=Spider Blade] [img]http://casiberia.com/img/prod/2x/se3007.jpg[/img] Enchanted Blade made from dead spiders and lost souls. The blade is light with a very sharp edge and can cut through most things. I does not have any particular ablilites except being able to change its an extension of the abilities he has already manifested. The blade can produces a small amount of Tanners venom (just enough to cover the swords edge and it) and can help him spin his webs (it can act as his spinneret, and fangs). [/hider] [b][color=ed1c24]Abilities:[/color][/b] [color=f7976a]Spider Webs:[/color] The first ability Tanner got from his contract was the ability to spin spider webs, he can produce strong silk from his hands and mouth, that can hold ten times his weight. His webs have become a part of him, sort of like blood or saliva. This means he can only produce a certain amount a day, and if he uses that allotted amount then he has to sleep to replenish the ability. [color=f7976a]Spider Venom:[/color] Like any spider he can produce a venom that has an acidic and educes mild paralysis on who ever it come in contact with. In cannot only dissolve most substances it comes in contact with, but also as it spreads slowly throughout the body, it starts to shut down the nervous system and this cause loss of control over certain functions, i.e if a person got bit in the arm the arm would stop working and the other parts would follow at a slower than normal rate, worst cast it knocks the target out from lack of popper lung function. Down sides to the venom are that it is slow working, both the acidity and the paralysis take time to function properly, this gives the bitten at least five to ten minutes of free time before the effects start to kick in, maybe even fifteen, depending on who and what the person is. The venom can only be injected through a bite and from the blade he has. It like the webs has become a part of him and he only produces so much in a day. In most cases venom does not hurt the host who produces it but not in Tanners case, his venom can hurt him if it finds its way into his blood stream or on his skin. [color=f7976a]Body Enhancement:[/color] The contract also made his body some what spider like, he can walk on walls and is incredibly flexible. His balance is also refined and he has gained a killer instinct, or hunters intuition. That drive that most hunters have when they hunt their pray. [b][color=ed1c24]Biography:[/color][/b] Tanner was a fresh out of college student working for some big corporation as an unpaid intern. He had many different jobs, but the one he usually did was whatever everyone else did not want to. That morning he had been given a long list of things to do and at the top was coffee. But not just for one person, but for the entire office and anyone else who caught him on the way out of the building. Once he got the orders he had to rush to the shop and back on foot and was soon running with his hands full of eight orders and four bags worth of coffee. He made it back to the building but when he went for the elevator, but it had somehow gotten broke while he was out so he would have to take the stairs. The stairs of the building were industry grade and needed to be replaced, made of concrete and with minimal railing, you could also see the different pipes carrying heat and water to the higher floors, and the only lights coming from emergency flood lights installed in the walls. The concrete of the stairs were moist and hand puddles from the water pipes. He felt the drinks getting colder and he had other things he needed to finish to day so he started his run up the stairs. His floor was the eleventh and he made it to the tenth before he sidestepped and slipped and fell on a slipper puddle down the flight of steps he had just climbed. Once he hit the bottom, he lay flat on his back with warm coffee and food scattered on and around him. Tanner could not feel anything but his left arm, he moved it and felt around, he touched his legs and could feel blood and bone popping out of each in multiple places, and his other arm was completely broken and dislocated. Some of his ribs hand been broken out and inward and had punctured his lungs and chest, this was the main source of his bleeding. As he lay there dying, he could feel something crawling up his arm, and it was huge. Tanner could not move his neck but the thing crawled on his face and it was a spider, a giant Blackwidow, the size of a full grown males hand. It seemed to be looking him directly in the eyes and then it spoke. "I like you and you don't seem like you want to die. So why don't we become friends and in exchange for your life, you let me use you for a while. Awwww, spider got your tongue, here let me help you with that." With that the spider shifted around and bit his neck. With the bite the spider began to dissolve into his body through the bite marks. When it was gone it sent bone shattering pain throughout his entire body and he went into shock, thus sealing the contract. [b][color=ed1c24]Extra:[/color][/b] [/hider] [hider=Lolth] [b][color=fff79a]Name: [/color][/b]Lolth Spider Queen [b][color=fff79a]Gender/Age:[/color][/b] Female, 6203 [b][color=fff79a]Demon Type:[/color][/b] Spider Demon [b][color=fff79a]Appearance:[/color][/b] [hider=Spidery] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/74/10/f3/7410f3650184f298e60c8ff138a7d11d.jpg[/img] [/hider] [hider=Without all the extra Legs] [img]http://wallpaperswa.com/thumbnails/detail/20120609/red%20eyes%20concept%20art%20white%20hair%20redjuice%20anime%20girls%20guilty%20crown%20inori%20yuzuriha%201054x1496%20wallpa_wallpaperswa.com_77.jpg[/img] In her more human form she takes the appearence of a younger girl, maybe 18 or 19, with white hair and red eyes. She stands at about 5'4 and has a small built frame, the tips of her hair begin to change color into a darker violet because of her demonic nature. [/hider] [b][color=fff79a]Abilities:[/color][/b] [b][color=aba000]Spider Webs:[/color] [/b]Lolth is the spider queen, and what is any spider without her webs. She can spin webs a lot fast than Tanner but not as much and needs more time time to produce them, because her silk is far stronger and more durable than his. She also must have periods of rest in order to replenish her web glands and some kind of food. [b][color=aba000]Spider Venom:[/color][/b] Her venom is high acidic and can cause temporary mild paralysis. It can erode most substances and can make someone lose feeling throughout a part of their body, depending on were she bites. It does not harm her at all but harms any and everyone around her, even Tanner. It takes longer to produce than anything else, one vile could take a entire week. [b][color=aba000]Body Enhancement:[/color][/b] She is a spider, she can walk on walls and fit into to tight spaces. Also her instincts as a hunter are unmatched, some call her a blood hound on eight legs. [b][color=fff79a]Biography:[/color][/b] Lolth is the Queen of the Demon Spiders. She had most of what she wanted, slaves, servants, and empire at her finger tips. What else could queen want? Well she desired a play thing, something that would get caught in her web and struggle for freedom and make the chase and kill much more fun. She had started with dammed souls but they gave up to quickly. The she moved onto lower demons and although they had put up a great struggle, it still was not enough and they tasted bad to her. So she turned her eyes to the mortal realm. Living humans had always fascinated her, they made stupid decisions everyday and did not even know it. These decisions brought them one step closer to death no matter how small, but still persevered on. This made her go crazy and soon she knew what she needed to be caught in her web next. So she went to the mortal realm and found a building that reeked of corruption. She had so many vessels to choose from it was like a candy shop for Lolth. While making her ascend to the top floor, were the more important people dwell, she smelt blood and agony. She found the source at the bottom of a stair well, a handsome young boy, was dying but he was still clinging to life, touching different parts of his body as if they could be fixed, if he did survive he would be paralyzed for the rest of his life. But this was the perfect opportunity to get a host so she swooped down and sealed the deal. [b][color=fff79a]Extra: [/color][/b] [/hider]