Masako registered the rest of the students walking into the classroom with little more than a passing glance: a girl with short hair, a face that she certainly had never seen before and she would later learn to be the transfer student, another foreigner a tall one at that probably dwarfing her in height, another blonde male seemingly ready for the day. Next the two teachers came into the room and to say they were an interesting pair would of probably hit the mark on the head. Masako listened as they introduce themselves and began to go through the attendance list and started to read off the names. She paid attention with little actual invested interests to the names that were called off, but at least made an effort to try and associate names with faces so if their was ever group work or anything she didn't make a total fool of herself. She watched with that seem effort of half interest as the transfer student introduced himself and all Masako did in her head was just file him away as another genius that will probably make her grades look terrible in comparison. But that was kind of unfair to him wasn't it? Even if he was super smart it wasn't like he meant to make her look terrible or anything, no that was all her fault. She made her own observations about the teachers, The professor seemed like he didn't want to be there at all a sentiment that Masako herself could appreciate maybe he wouldn't be so bad. Ms. Sasaki though seemed to be a little too eager for the prospect of learning about geological phenomenons, in a way that Masako could never get excited about it though she seemed nice enough. The mention of field work made her rise her head a little from her slouched position on the desk. No pens or paper, no having to look at boring textbooks with information that she really didn't care about? And they got to go outside? [i]Well maybe this wasn't going to be the worst thing ever.[/i] [hr] [color=dodgerblue][h3][b]Noon[/b][/h3][/color] The forest was nice, definitely better than any classroom that Masako could be stuck inside at the moment. Being able to hear the birds and feel the wind and sun upon her skin was a welcome change. Though Masako could've never imagined that adventuring through a forest could be boring and yet here they were examining the contour of a slope of a hill with rulers and protractors and taking notes on it.[i] I guess it could've been worse though[/i] she thought to herself and that was true to a form they could of been doing it with imaginary hills inside a classroom. At least here they got to see the application of the thing rather than just doing science for science's sake. Then Ms. Sasaki got really excited about a hole in the ground. To be fair, the geological phenomena that Ms. Sasaki wa getting all excited about was strange but as a counterpoint it was just a really big hole in the ground. But something just seemed off about the whole area, Masako listened and she heard no bugs, no birds and it seemed as if the spring breeze that she could feel just a moment ago suddenly vanished as soon as they approached the hole. It was almost as if it they had entered a little bubble or something. Masako was about to make a comment about it when a giant hand darker than any shadow she had ever seen come rushing out of the hole like some sort of great burrowing earthworm and grabbed Ms. Saskai. The transfer student moved into action first calling for assistance and the rest of the students soon followed after. Though despite their desperate struggle, eleven high school students equals little in resistance compared to the giant hand and they all went tumbling down the hole darkness chasing after them. [center][b]***[/b][/center] [i] [h3][color=red]S[/color][sup]ome[/sup][sub]where[/sub]?[/h3][/i] Masako was greeted with a strange sky looming far above her. It wasn't the crisp blue that had pleasantly drifted above them in the forest, no it was now two large chasms of black and white split down the middle where the noon day sun should have been. slowly got up pushing herself to her feet in as composed a manner as could possibly be achieved at the moment. She looked around at her surroundings and noticed very quickly that this was Nichibotsu, the lower district to be exact. Though like the sky above it was distorted, strange, eldritch as if it had been made of washable markers and just dipped in water. The buildings and street looked like a bomb had recently fallen from the sky and cars were flipped or ripped in half. Some of the buildings had been perched at strange angles almost if if they were slowly dripping away and in the far distance the city streets flickered and shuttered as they seemed to have trouble staying in reality. Masako took a deep breath composing herself and trying not to appear as frightened as she was in her head. Her father had always said a Unmei heir does not show fear. Fear was for the weak and those unwilling to face the challenges ahead of them, fear was for those who did not deserve success. Well yeah that was easy for him to say, he wasn't the one that got dragged through a giant void be an evil hand ended up in some messed up alternate reality. She noticed that many of the others had already awoken and were discussing the plans moving forward. It seemed they were getting ready to go on a search party to rescue Ms.Saskai and maybe find a way out of there. This sounded like the most sensible option of all of them but what then I don't think even Ms.Saskai was prepared for something like this. I don't think anybody was really, and yet here they were preparing to venture out into the great unknown, into whatever this city was. [color=dodgerblue]"Uhh hold on for a second guys. Before we go out on some sort of adventure to go save the day or whatever you are planning have any of us really thought about this for a moment? I mean this isn't some video game guys."[/color] She explained as she began to spoke. [color=dodgerblue]"This is real life and we are in a world that we know nothing about beside that it kind of looks like our own and that it is filled with monsters. Monsters mind you that were easily able to overpower eleven of us working together to drag us all down some giant hole in the ground. And we expect to just able to defeat anything we may come across? I know it's our only option and all and I'm not about to let our teacher get eaten or whatever, but did any of you stop to wonder how suicidal we all are sounding right now? So do we have a better gameplan than just hope we find Ms.Saskai and not get killed or eaten or whatever?"[/color] She asked the group as they all continued to get ready. Sure it probably wasn't what any of them wanted to hear at the moment but in Masako's mind it was what they had to hear. She needed to at least provide the reality check before they all went gung ho into the jaws of death charge of the light brigade style..