Is it instantaneous on piercing any target? Also first dungeon: Name: The Prison-Castle of the Mad King Haldric Brief History: Outside the forest of Pelenn, on the edge of the great plains of Velt, there lies ruined walls and a damaged tower, which is the only sign of this dungeon's presence. Legend(and scattered historical records) say that this is in fact the entrance to the castle of the paranoid King Gregori Fel Haldric the Second, who deeply believed that nearly everyone around him plotted his death. He commissioned an underground castle, filled with all kinds of traps, in the belief that it would protect him from harm. While he did not realize it, the castle was much like a prison for the Mad King as well. Its deep darkness drove him to deeper and deeper madness. Even his closest servants and family fell deeply under suspicion. Soon enough, his wife and her children feared that Haldric was so deeply changed he would turn on them and order their deaths, and with the aid of the servants fled. Some believe that this blood runs in the Lord of Ithillin, but there is no clear proof of this matter. King Haldric cursed his family and the servants who aided them, and the servants who did not flee faced execution. Haldric's madness grew more and more, until not a single living soul remained within the Prison-Castle but the Mad King himself. He sought how to guard his life against any and all attempts on it. Who now knows if he succeeded? The Prison-Castle, however, lies in ruins. The Mad King kept much treasure deep below, much of it of great value. It seems that some new residents have entered after the king's apparent death. Layout Summary: The Mad King's Prison-Castle goes down six levels, each a spiral of tunnels and traps. The final level holds the Mad King's great horde of treasure, and is also believed to be the resting place of Haldric himself. Threats(Enemies, Traps, etc): Giant Rats-dog-sized rats that are not so threatening, goblins, mindless undead, and... something at the very bottom of the Castle. Various traps, from pitfalls to crushing walls. Confirmed date for starting the RP is tomorrow, unless something comes up.