[b][color=darkslategray]"You have adapted quite well, I must say I [i]am[/i] surprised."[/color][/b] A voice said gleefully. It was here again. The vague presence that appeared at the edge of consciousness just when he was about to go to sleep. [b][color=darkslategray]"I hadn't expected you to so easily throw yourself into the darkness."[/color][/b] It said. The presence moved to the side a little, revealing a dead body. There was no blood, and the person seemed to be rich judging by his clothes. "What is a single drop of darkness to the abyss that spawned it?" He replied. Again, the presence smiled. [b][color=darkslategray]"And what of your victim? Do you have no regrets?"[/color][/b] The voice questioned. "If a beast slays another, it's no longer a brutality is it not?" He said. [b][color=darkslategray]"Very well, I'll concede the point."[/color][/b] The voice finally said. [b][color=darkslategray]"But be wary, the next time we meet will most definitely be the last."[/color][/b] [hr] He snapped awake again. [b][color=yellow]"Again?"[/color][/b] He said to no one in particular. Like two weeks beforehand, he'd had a dream which he couldn't remember that felt important somehow. Just like that day, he planted his feet and stretched his body as best as he could. He stepped on something squishy, and out came a depressing one-liner. "What is sadness to the abyss of hopelessness and despair?" He'd learned to ignore those by now, and he just put the blobfish in his mouth as usual. Then he looked up and he noticed he was in a cage. [b][color=yellow]"Oh yeah, I forgot about that."[/color][/b] He said. When he'd arrived at the mansion he'd met some people and since they didn't know what to really do with him, they put him in a cage. It was sort of fine considering the cage was pretty big, and also he found out how to flip it over so he could go wherever he really wanted to. In fact, today he'd managed to climb the stairs and get onto the roof. He looked up at the Crimson Sky now, red as always. Then suddenly, a voice rang out and a someone came out of the moon. He waved his hand, and a large wave of red rippled along the sky. Eventually it would reach the ground but he had enough time. [b][color=yellow]"I call upon the First Despair, give me strength to do what needs to be done."[/color][/b] He said. "I call upon the First Despair, give me strength to do what needs to be done." His blobfish said with him. His blobfish disappeared and he found himself growing. His growth proved too much for his confines and the cage broke but he continued to increase in size until he was about as big as a normal house would be. This was [url=http://img2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20140106095820/monsterhunter/images/6/69/MH4-Rathian_Render_001.png]Lacertes[/url], his first form but not exactly the weakest. He wasn't sure why he had to chant to turn into his three major forms but it didn't matter so much for him. His speaking was sort of limited so he wasted no time. With a flap of his wings, he was in the air. He flapped harder, building up speed and started to fly towards the moon.