Avery could feel her eyes on him, sizing him up from the moment she turned to look at him. He could feel his cheeks burning, turning a deep shade of crimson as she stared at his antlers. She was going to get nasty with him. She was going to scowl and call him names. She might threaten him physically, grab his antlers, throw him to the ground. His confrontations rarely got physical, but it wasn't something he could rule out. That's happened before. Trust was hard for him to come by in Kingston, and he was very rarely able to find people who accepted him, completely, for who he was. He wanted to turn around and run back to his apartment. To his little plants growing in the window, to his shelf of old cameras, to the smell of baking bread and pies from the bakery beneath his window. Anywhere but here. But suddenly, there was a change in her demeanor. Avery looked up again, noting that she was no longer staring wide eyed at his horns, but instead she was staring into his eyes, giving him a warm, almost welcoming smile. She explained to him that they didnt usually let people take pictures in the building, but she was willing to make an exception, in his case, whatever his case was. But at that point, he honestly didnt care. He was just relieved that she wasnt going to harass him. He let out a breath that he didnt know he was holding in, laughing nervously as she regained his composure. "Oh, um, thank you! Thanks!" He said, fiddling with the straps on his camera as he looked from her to his feet, and back again. "I'm sorry, people just... they dont usually make exceptions for me or anything, let alone... y'know, breaking the rules of their place of employment. Thank you so much." He shifted on his feet for a moment, not sure of what to do next. His eyes scanned the rest of the shop, noting that it was, in fact, completely empty. He was probably the first customer of the day. He looked back at her, giving her a once over. She was wearing a colorful, floral dress of sorts. It kind of correlated with the floral pattern of his sweater, he noted. He looked down at his camera for a moment, then back to her. "Um, I can show you how it works, if you want. You can see the pictures, if you want."