Okay, got a character all worked out. I'd like to fill the Lancer slot, but I can tweak it for leader if need be. [hider=Lancer Entry] What's your name? Zasha Vasiliev. Zasha, not Sasha. It's Russian, and no it's not a girl's name. If you want to just call me some nickname because the whole Zasha-Sasha thing is too hard for you, go ahead. How old are you? (Obviously high school age.) Y'know I thnk I forgot? I barely think about when I was born or when my birthday is until it comes up once a year. Then I just forget about it again. Lesse... I'm pretty sure I'm seventeen, turning eighteen once my b-day rolls around. Probably. What do you look like?(Bonus points if you include a picture at the top! Negative points if you only use a picture.) I'm average height, I think. Maybe a little on the tall side, I don't really keep track. I think five-foot-ten sounds right. I'm average weight, but I look pretty lean because of how lanky my arms and legs are. It's kind of a pain, never have any leg room so I tend to put my feet up if I can. Usually people complain about that, but I couldn't really care if I tried. Anyways, I guess in terms of facial features I look like your average dude. Straight nose, kinda pointy chin, high cheekbones, thin lips, round hazel eyes. I'm told they sometimes look really green, but they usually look just plain brown when I think to glance in a mirror. I got long brown hair, hangs a bit past the shoulders. Personally? I really love my hair. It's super soft and fluffy, and has kind of a wavy thing going on when I don't have it pulled back in a ponytail. Although when it gets humid my hair goes kinda super-fluff and looks ridiculous and gets in the way. Other than that, I guess I might be a bit androgynous looking overall? I think I look plenty obviously like a dude, and maybe it's just the hair and name, but a lot of folks seem to have a hard time with it. Do you have any hobbies? All kinds of stuff, really. I watch tv, read books, play games. Mostly video games, but I'm a big fan of board games and card games too. I like to read and watch stuff on the internet, but I don't really participate in any forums or anything like that. Not too into most team sports, but I dig stuff like boxing and martial arts. Terrible old kung-fu movies are some of my favorites, and I've been participating in school and local gym boxing clubs for awhile now. Not the best at it by far, but I give as good as I get usually. It helps that I'm stronger than I look, especially for my weight class. What are some things that you especially dislike? Flying bugs. Crawling ones are fine, and hell rolly-polly's are kind of cute if you ask me. Ants are kind of assholes though, you can't tell me they don't understand territory. They can be outside all they want, but they need to keep out of my house. Anyways, flying bugs are the worst by far. I don't know what it is, but they seem to have it out for me. Bees, flies, butterflies even, are constantly getting up in my face. Literally. Other than that, I don't have any patience for stupidity and I really dislike people who don't even try to get someones name right. It's one thing if its some hard sound you never make, or it's written so you aren't sure how it's said, but it shouldn't be that big a deal once they correct you on it. I also really dislike bland food, like plain oatmeal or pepperoni pizza. The worst though is cheese pizza, which is sadness incarnate. Outside of those things I tend to be pretty chill and open minded, though. What are your goals for the future? Both immediate and long-term Immediately, pretty much just to do the whole school thing and enjoy the stuff I like to do. Long term, I'm not really sure. Maybe pursue the boxing thing, or figure out some other job. There isn't really anything career wise thats struck my interest yet. What's your home life like? Specifically, what is your relationship like with your parents? Right now? It's pretty good if you ask me. We've had a lot of ups and downs, been pretty broke before. Used to move every other year, sometimes every year. Been here for about two years though. I like it here, so I'm hoping it'll stick. Anyways, as for my family, it's just me and my folks. Both of them have night shift jobs, and they transferred around a lot. I mostly took care of myself when a babysitter wasn't, and I didn't really get to spend much time with them when I was a kid. Once I was old enough to look after myself though, things kinda settled down into a pretty chill if kinda oddball parents-son friendship. Sometimes we're more like really close roommates than family, but not in a bad way if you ask me. What's your favorite animal, and why? Man that's kind of a hard call. Other than flying bugs, I really like most things. I'd definitely have to narrow it down to the fluffy ones, though. I guess I'd have to say Cats, mostly because it's the only kind of pet I've ever had. Favorite color? I really like purple. Not the lighter one that's usually called purple, but that deeper kind of royal purple shade. Do you identify with any song or piece of music? Not really, to be honest. I like music just fine, but I've never really been one for identifying with songs or characters or whatnot. I just enjoy it for what it is. Do you believe in aliens? I don't disbelieve in them, if that makes any sense. I don't know there aren't any aliens, just that we haven't found any in the places we've looked. At least, assuming nobody is lying about that, which is a whole other issue. I'm not really a conspiracy theorist type, more the... You can only ever be 99% sure type. Anyone who says they're 100% sure on anything is kind of an idiot if you ask me. [/hider]