Tag: [@Cuccoruler][@TheDarkTemplar][@ArkmageddonCat][@smarty0114][@Liocalset][@Airalin] Jack took out a pistol and quickly examined it then loaded it and then hid it underneath his long t-shirt before he made his way up the stairs to where Cole, Jessica, Eva, and Car-Tali were discussing their next course of action. He had a composed expression as he approached the group and listened in on the conversation for a few minutes before finally replying, " well that's all fine and dandy but tracking the wardens search route patterns aren't going to be easy. Now Cole, I'm sure Ace has told you about how I am not too fond of the DMA." Suddenly, Jack quickly wrapped his left arm around Cole and placed him into a chokehold and pointed the previously hidden pistol at Cole's head. His expression was now cold, stern, and showed killing intent, he had made it clear that he was not messing around as he had a tight grip on Cole's neck so he couldn't break free of Jack. Jack cocked the as he continued, "So why have you brought Wardens into my house? And I better get a good and honest answer or I'll blow your brains out all over the floor." He glanced around at the rest of the group that was present, giving a silent warning to stay where they were. Ace had told Jack about the former Wardens a few weeks after arriving with the group and he had been meaning to ask Cole this for a while now and now was a good time as any to do so.