"Ahhh well that's just no good now is it?" Lana responded to Hokuto and reached into her back pocket and turned her head to watch where her hand was going. Lana then pulled out a small bag of candy and offered it to Hokuto by holding it out towards her. It was all she had on her currently, but she still offered it and she probably wasn't going to have it soon anyway. Didn't feel like it. Hokuto can have that, and half of Seika's melon bread that he just offered. Niiice. Speaking of Seika, Lana listened to Seika talk to see what he wanted to say. After hearing an offer to go to the training grounds that seems to be directed to the group, Lana nodded, "Yea sure I'll come along. Probably won't be doing anything later anyway," Lana said as she stretched her arms a bit and making a snicker that only lasted a second or two.