[@Dcatanzaro682] [color=7bcdc8]"So...you're just here for the ride, essentially. Veo com'รจ."[/color] So one was an elite and the other was just fortunate. Granted, he figured that he probably wouldn't be at the school if it weren't for who his parents were, either, but that was kind of why everyone was here. He didn't know where else these godlings would be going if not for here, but it made him wonder briefly if there was a primary school somewhere for younger children expected to become gods as well. If not yet, it seemed like a good idea for someone to get on that...there probably were instances of powers developing early, after all. As he pondered this new question, Felice made his way into the cafeteria and stopped by the counter. [color=7bcdc8]"I have my food, so this is where you go. Better hurry up; I don't think we have much time left and I don't know which class we're going into." [/color] He pulled an apple out of his bag as he waited by the wall near the counter, taking his own advice and eating while they still had at least some semblance of a chance.