[hider=Satoshi"]Name: Satoshi Kimura Gender/Age: 22 Appearance:[img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/1c/46/de/1c46dea58cb92e4cd160295d4e082927.jpg[/img] Weapons: Satoshi's weapon of choice is 1ft long throwing knives made of mirror glass. Not only do they inflict damage but he can use them to get a better view of the situation. He could even use two as a sort of walky-talky between himself and Lilith. He also rather enjoys the fact they can be well concealed and he can bring them anywhere without causing suspicion. Abilities: Mirror walk- With this ability Satoshi can walk into a mirror, and roam around the other side of mirrors. He could even walk to other people's mirrors. This ability can be very useful for gathering information, but it can be easy to get lost. Also he cannot leave through any random mirror, only the mirror in which he entered may he leave. In a case in which the mirror is broken, he automatically gets pulled out of a random mirror in a 100 foot radius. Mirror on the wall- During times of internal conflict, wouldn't it be nice to literally talk to another you? Well mirror on the wall is the ability to look upon your own reflection and have a conversation with it. This is useful for making decisions, or simply talking to someone you can actually stand for any amount of time. Noted, it is only a reflection so it won't know anything he doesn't know. Reflection- Satoshi at times can mirror his opponents movments perfectly, which in fact can not only catch them off guard but seriously help offensively. He can do so for about 2 minutes at a time. Shatter- A fairly convenient ability allowing Satoshi to induce amnesia. The catch is not only does he need to have eye contact but he needs to be touching them. It also only lasts for about an hour, but is useful for getting away if he is found out. Biography: Satoshi was a college student, living day by day with no particular goals in mind. Certainly he was breathing, but he would not call it living. He simply existed. Satoshi was an English major, finding whatever little meaning he had in life through books. The day it happened, he was walking home from the library. It was about 9 pm and he was reading while on his way. He paid no attention to those who passed him or the signs. All he cared about was having enough light to finish the last few pages. As he read the last sentence "What will you do now?" Satoshi looked up to realize he was on a bridge. The water churned beneath him and he wondered how it would feel. So he simply put the book down...and jumped. The instant he hit the water the air was knocked from his lungs. The water pushed and pulled him, dragging him below the surface and mulling his senses. He couldn't fight it. Satoshi eventually washed up onto the shore face down. He was almost gone. "lets have some fun shall we?" And his life changed forever as she took what little he had left. Extra: [youtube=Lhv_yFMuwxs]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oa-ae6_okmg[/youtube][/hider] [hider=Lilith"]Name: Lilith Gender/Age: Female, 653 Demon Type: Mirror Demon Appearance:[img]http://www.wallpaperhi.com/thumbnails/detail/20120630/clouds%20vocaloid%20birds%20blue%20eyes%20skirts%20long%20hair%20feathers%20pink%20hair%20anime%20girls%20ia%202500x1406%20wall_www.wallpaperhi.com_57.jpg[/img] Abilities: Mirror on the wall- She can converse with the mirror, but she can not see her own flesh reflected in it. Reflection: Lilith can accomplish almost the same as Satoshi. She can Mirror other's movements which not only confuse them, but can be pretty useful. She can do so perfectly for only about 30 seconds at a time. Biography: Stagnation. That would be the perfect word to describe Lilith's last few decades. Eventually accepting she would not simply fade away, she needed to find something to do. In her search she had found demons were contracting with humans more than ever. "Hmmm interesting." A human would be the perfect new play thing. -time skip- Finally, the perfect human. Any human that would jump off a bridge to their death on a whim was alright by Lilith. "Silly human, you aren't a fish." She watched him as he rolled in the water until he reached the shore. "Let's have some fun shall we?" And he was her's. Extra: In battle, if she is hit her flesh will crack like a glass doll. [youtube=Lhv_yFMuwxs]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WVk3ntpDu1c[/youtube][/hider]