Nori was already up and had just padded into the living room when Nick's radio segment finally came on. [i]'He sounds fantastic, as always,"[/i] the disheveled blonde thought, chewing on her bottom lip and shooting a look to where her smartphone was resting on the kitchen table. [i]'Is it too early to text him?'[/i] Nori fretted, picking up the phone and staring at it before shaking her head vigorously. [i]'That'll make me look desperate,'[/i] she thought with a huff, dropping her phone back onto the table with a little more force than necessary. "Coffee first," the tattooed girl decided, shuffling over to the coffee pot and starting it up. She watched it drip for a second or two, but somehow ended up back across the room at the kitchen table, her tiny hand hovering over her phone. "I'm just gonna check BookFace," Nori assured herself, snatching the phone up. However, instead of opening the BookFace app, she clicked the one for text messages instead. "Don't do it," she whispered to herself, but her fingers where already composing the message and hitting the send button before she could stop herself. [i]Heard you on the radio this morning! You sounded good, handsome. ;) --Nori[/i] "What's wrong with me?" The DJ groaned in horror, letting the phone slide out of her grip and clatter loudly against the table. "That was so thirsty," she murmured, scrubbing her hands over her face in frustration. "Kame! I'm having an emotional crisis!" Nori moaned as she went over to the couch and crawled over the back of it, draping herself over her sleeping roommate dramatically. "I need food to deal with this madness, so you have to get up and get dressed," the girl whined, wiggling against the blue haired girl. "It's almost noon, we gotta get a move on, darlin'!"