[@Crazy Doctor] [color=66FFFF]“I won’t require it, but it could cause some strange looks, or questions from people unfamiliar with you. If you are alright with that, then we can proceed unabated.”[/color] [hr] Terra nods to Gale before they head off as a group, and he waves to all of them as they begin their departure. [color=FF6666]“Safe journeys, friends!”[/color] he calls after them. Terra leads them back the way they came for a few minutes, until they come to a fork in the road. This time, they follow the last unfamiliar path. The trees begin to lose density, and a marshland creeps in between their roots. The bog is not a particularly muggy one, but the insect life has picked up, and the wildflowers grow sparse. Large birds of prey with dark and earthy feathers make their perches on the twisted, grey branches of the occasional tree, sprawling in confused directions, and void of the fine foliage those in the forest had. The party’s traveling path is made from stones that were clearly brought in from elsewhere to raise up a walking route through the waters, as any rocks in the marsh are not smooth like river stones, but jagged and shale-like. Much of the ground is obscured by a very low hanging fog, making anything but the trail they walk on difficult to get a look at. Similar to the rest of the less welcoming ambiance, the sky is a duller color, looking perpetually overcast. [color=66FFFF]“We grow close to our destination,”[/color] Terra says, looking back briefly at everyone, [color=66FFFF]“It seems we will indeed make it there before nightfall.”[/color]