[hider=Gustavo Madrugal][center][img]https://carmelourso.files.wordpress.com/2011/08/gustavo-cerati.jpg[/img][/center] [b]Name:[/b] Gustavo Madrugal [b]Sex:[/b] Male [b]Age:[/b] 36 [b]Occupation:[/b] Private Detective [b]History:[/b] “Why did I take the damned case? Why did I come to these damned city? Had I waited a couple more days I'm sure someone would have called me worried their spouse was cheating on them. Sure, I was desperate for money, it had been 3 months since I got fired from the insurance company and hadn't been able to find a “real people” work. Drank away my fucking savings. And the client offered way above my asking price. But still, I should have waited for something a little simpler to come along. Something closer to home. Closer to my little girl... Now I'm stuck in this godforsaken town with a migraine. Wonder what she's up to. I hope things aren't as bad back home. Hope things haven't gone south done south. Focus. I must focus. Focus on the now. The here. Now, where the hell are those painkillers.” [b]Inventory:[/b] [list] [*]Snubnosed .38 revolver w/ 4 in rounds loaded [*]Lockpicking set [*]Binoculars [*]Notepad and small pen [*][url=https://my100daysofsummer.files.wordpress.com/2013/06/61sscgaixkl-_sl1500_.jpg]Car Hammer[/url] [*]Will to survive [/list] [b]Skills:[/b] As a private detective, Gustavo learned how to sneak, lie, “break-and-enter”, surveil, and be observant. He can hot-wire a car (learned years before getting in the P.I. “business”). He keeps in relatively good shape, being able run long distances quickly can be a good skill for a P.I. Not the best shot, whenever he had to shoot another person he never aimed to hit, his thinking process being the fear and adrenaline the other person would experience was enough for him to get out of the situation safely.[/hider]