"Welcome to the Milita boys!" The Commerical Milita of RNI [img]http://i.imgur.com/7HpSxz6.png[/img] The RNI Milita is the first form of army structure the RNI had.Recruited from common townsmen and those wanted to defend their brave country,The milita was a large fighting force.Due to the large number of people avaible the army reached 500.000 constant soldiers.There were also nearly a million that could be called in any time.After the recruitement they are trained in many aspects of fighting.They exercise hard to be bale to carry more stuff,or run for more.Althought only every 1/5 goes into the actual NIFF the milita is a well trained army force too.This is compenstaed by the relatively common equipment they get.As guns with high efficency are hard to manufacture in big numbers,and require loads of material,they are issued to the the NIFF.The milita still has acces to some of the most accurate rifles. [img]http://i.imgur.com/3OleSFy.jpg[/img] "Here comes the cavalry" The NIFF(Norther Islands Fighting Force) The NIFF is the actual well armed and full time army of the RNI.Well trained,well equipped and selected from a few only they are a force to be reckoined with.Counting 200,000 active members they are a big military force capable of defending the territiry from most fronts.They have been deployed to help the governement forces in the Irodien Civil War,they made spectacular results.Equipped with the newest guns avaible in the Northern hemisphere they have an excellent accuracy.Their guns can also be reloaded from the back making it easier to rapidly react in battle.These guns are really big thought and needs an elite infantry to use it.NIFF forces are trained for a year before finally sent to battle.This makes them effective but any casualties are hard to resupply. [img]http://i.imgur.com/ySoBGM1.jpg[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/c8CKGmt.jpg[/img] Hope you enjoyed the insight of my basic armies.These are the units I can use to actually do stuff with if I want to fight.Very soon of course new kind of things will be avaible with the industrial revolution going on.You should also make a few army forces that are avaible to send out.You will most likely get a few units of this type depending on your population and description.Note that the planet is huuuuuuuge to even think of with out stupid minds.As my calculations show the the Irodien empire is twice of the Alexandrian Empire in its golden days.This si how so many people can exist.Later you can post updates that depend on the new researches with guns and shit.I am currently har at work figuring out mechanics and resource incomes.But especiall with cost and the resources got per turn now hang in the air.We need all the empires so I can make a stable assumption using lore and territory.So expect a week of stop after everyone is done with their empires,so I can tell teh income and research.Till then enjoy yourself making your armies and empires.Also you can include cavalry and guns.Please post this kind of armies in CS too.This is just an example that I will post in CS.Hope I can see interesting lores and ideas.If everything goes right we will be having loads of fun with this RP.So any suggestions or problems that you dont like,turn to me I will do what I can :D