Rosanna was woken up by the awesome song by [b]Jake[/b] and [b]Jun[/b] and slowly turned over into a face full of pillow as she reached for her t-shirt and scrambled to put it on. As soon as her feet touched the carpet climbing out of bed she began to think about her awesome night last night, or at least what she remembered about it. She recalled a lot dancing and a lot of shots with April, and making out with someone....DJ Dangermouse!! Rosanna rolled her eyes to herself. [color=f49ac2][i]Ohh really Rosy? another DJ?[/i][/color] She shook her head and began to quietly curse herself, while briefly admiring Nick Weston's voice. She still thought he sounded sexy but after Shou told her about the dyed hair, she quickly lost interest. She then started to remember her silly actions around Shou and how cute he looked that day, all work weary, and still half in teacher mode. She never even got to Ask April how it went because she was too busy chugging JeagerBombs and tounge wrestling with that hot DJ. Rosanna grabbed her phone off her messy desk counter to see a text from April herself. She was asking about the shifts and about her night. [color=ec008c][i]Hey gurl, my head is pounding, please tell me the whole club didn't see me in make out mode? And April! didnt you take home your timetable? you have shift in at 1! yourw covering the part time day period until 4! LOL And its not that bad you might get to see that sexy teacher again if he has a black cofee craving, gonna be jogging today then I'm hitting up the gym xoxoxoxoxo[/i][/color] And with that Rosanna grabbed her sports drink and put on her jogging clothes and headed for Shiny park to do a few laps. After all that drinking she would have spend most of the day working that all off. She had her headphones on listening to her favorite [hider=Jogging Track] [youtube=Lhv_yFMuwxs][/youtube] [/hider] and quickly sent a pic to April to show her she wasn't slacking off today [hider=Imagine If any guys saw me with my hair like this?] [IMG][/IMG] [/hider]