As you enter the tent you see a Goblin of middle age with his feet on the counter, leaning back on a chair and puffing a long pipe. As he sees you entering he loses his balance and falls backwards, landing with a loud crash. The goblin pops up from under the counter and says in a raspy voice, "I wasn't smoking! I swear! You're all just seeing things. I mean... we clearly got a no-smoke policy in this tent!" He takes a closer look and then recognizes the group. "Oh... Oh! Oh! It's the Dweller group. Why didn't you say so sooner." He get's up in full length, maybe being a little taller then Blim. He walks towards the group and leans on [color=lightcoral]Vlor[/color] his leg. "I guess you guys want supplies before heading off to that city, right? You'll also need a Sand Skitter I suppose. Well, that's what I'm here for!" Judas runs towards the counter and jumps over it, landing in some stuff behind it with another loud crash. He then again pops back up with some dirty sheets in his one hand, and a feather in his other. "Right, I suppose you guys need the basic materials like water, sleeping bags, rations, climbing gear, sand filters and of course a canister of whale oil each. Well, you see here is the problem... Blim has told me not the speak about it... but..." He leans forward, beckoning any of you closer, "we're not doing so well." He leans back again and shakes his head. "I don't even have ink anymore!" Judas holds up the sheets of paper, revealing some scribbled lines and numbers all in red. "Food is running low. Water is decent, mainly because people are holding back... Whale oil is nearly depleted." The goblin let's out a long sigh. "Bah..." He looks at [color=lime]Sonya[/color] in the back, starting at her face then lowering to her guns. "I'm taking the main thing that needs refilling is your ammunition. I can tinker some together with the Oil we have left, but I also had a group that was experimenting with some sort of food preservation device coming here earlier. They requested some Whale Oil too. Now... they don't know that it's the last of it, so I'm giving you guys the choice here. Ammunition to defend yourself, or giving it those Dwarves?" He quickly scribbles something down after pricking the feather into a small open wound on his hand. "Also, a Sand Skitter is ready to be taken. They were refilled on Oil before our supplies went dry. Just give this to the 'harbormaster'." The goblin says the last word almost jokingly. He then hands [color=lightcoral]Vlor[/color] a piece of paper with red ink, dictating that the holder of this sheet is allowed use of a Sand Skitter of choice. "I'll order my lackeys to take the supplies to the harbor, just after you filled in this form here. Sorry, no ink... And I'm not letting you borrow mine." He shields his hand after shoving a sheet over the counter towards the [color=lightcoral]Orc[/color]. "If there is anything specific you require, let me know and I'll see if we have it available for Dwellers." And with that statement he picks up his pipe and starts puffing it again, looking annoyed that it has gone out.