[hider] [center] [img]http://i.imgur.com/38gCPpO.jpg[/img] [i]Name:[/i] Avis Falke [i]Age:[/i] 17 [i]Height:[/i] 5'7 [i]Weight:[/i] 140lb [i]Personality:[/i] Very social, straightforward, and friendly. A good way to describe her general attitude to friends and strangers alike would be "Hello, here I am, and I'm here to have a good time." She posses a naturally reasonable and skeptical mind, leaning more to thinking things through and strategically navigating social scenes rather than simply blurting things out. On a more personal level, she is much more depressed and hopeless, feeling like she is helplessly getting trampled by the march of time. [i]Fighting Style: [/i] Doesn't stick to any particular art of any sort as fighting has never really been part of her life in any real way. She knows enough for self defense, however, and is not completely incompetent. She fights more like a soldier than a competitor, aiming to truly damage and disable, rather than bring the opponent to submission. This means she is very withheld to the idea of competitive fighting, as all she knows is to hurt and kill, not simply fight. For example, any hair pulling, palm punching, crotch shots, and other forms of "dirty" fighting are all good in her book. It's saved her life on one occasion. [i]Martial Arts:[/i] No real formal art or training. Simply skills taught by both her father and her grandfather for defending herself. [i]History:[/i] Born in the United States as a first generation American. Her mother and father were German immigrants who were trying to get away from their troubled families. From an early age, Avis loved aircraft and flying. All she ever wanted to do was play with toy airplanes, go to airshows, and ride in planes. As she got older, she immediately joined a Civil Air Patrol squadron nearby, and rose quickly in the ranks. There, even at the young age of 11, she got to fly her first plane. It was a small Cessna, but she was absolutely thrilled nonetheless. She didn't care too much for the military aspect of it, but did enjoy the outdoor activities it provided her. Sadly, this dream of a life was quickly crushed. Her parents died horribly in a car accident as they were driving to pick her up from her CAP meeting. They met a slow, painful death in the hospital with Avis there to watch. She was moved to her Uncle's home, by now being sixteen years old. He was some sort of salesperson and was rarely home, hell, he wasn't even home to help her unpack, or even be at the funeral. Avis had simply become some sort of vague entity that existed there, rather than an actual niece living there in the eyes of her Uncle. To his workaholic, greedy head, Avis soon became an annoyance. Soon they moved to Japan where her Uncle's company was based out of, and there her Uncle tossed Avis into the first boarding school available... and that school was Shinjuku Academy. Thus with only knowing a little bit of Japanese, having a German-American accent, and hair that went from blond to light grey when she was eight, her troubles only grew. [i]Dreams and Fears:[/i] Avis's dream is to one day become a flight instructor or stunt pilot, as flying is the only time when she is truly happy in life. Her greatest fear is time. She constantly deals with, and suppresses the dark truths of time that fill her mind. Whether it be the gradually shrinking chances of obtaining her dreams or the inevitability of her demise, time always seems to be an enemy to her..... On a less metaphysical note, she also has an irrational fear of open water. [i]Other:[/i] The Civil Air Patrol is essentially the US Air Force's version of boy scouts, only its open to everyone and let's you try flying planes and such. Google them if you're curious! :D [/center] [/hider]